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You and the inky skeleton stare at each other, with the others pupils briefly turning into red hearts, before turning into blue and yellow exclamation points, getting in your face.

Ink Skeleton: Hi! I'm Ink! Who're you?!

Y/n, leaning back awkwardly: Uh, I'm Y/n. Who're you?

Ink Skeleton, proudly: I'm Ink Sans! Protector of the multiverse and au's! But you can just call me Ink! It's nice to meet you Y/n! Where'd ya come from?

Y/n, awkwardly:....Memorytale.

Ink nods, now examining you and y/n notices that the skeleton is, in fact, shorter than them. Y/n can take advantage of this. Y/n then squeaks in surprise when Ink touches their wings.

Ink, sparkles in his pupils: soft...

Y/n, yanking their wing back:...please don't touch my wings, Ink.

Ink nods, and then blinks, looking at you in curiosity, his pupils briefly turning into red hearts, before turning into a blue square and a yellow diamond. Y/n wonders what the hell is wrong with his memories and why he forgets things.

Ink: What were we talking about?

Y/n, sweat dropping:..we weren't really talking to each other. We just kinda, introduced ourselves and then you touched my wings.

Ink nods, looking at you in curiosity. Y/n sweatdrops, expecting questions from the short skeleton...and questions did come, but later as Ink went back to examining you. Ink hums in thought, his pupils changing shape, before turning into green question marks. said you came from Memorytale?

Y/n, sighs and nods: Yes, why?

Ink: So you know Memory?

Y/n, nods: yeah, he basically raised me.

Ink nods, thinking about his next question while Y/n silently questions what's wrong with this short skeleton and why he is asking you questions about Memorytale. Thought, luckily for you, it seems like Ink forgot what he was thinking about and just looked back at you, his pupils changings to a blue square and a yellow diamond.

Ink:..what were we talking about?

Y/n, sighing: you were just asking some personal questions...mind if I ask you a question, Ink?

Ink smiles sheepishly and nods, rubbing the back of his skull.

Ink: Yeah, sorry about that friend.

Y/n, sighing: It's fine, just ask before asking personal questions next time.

Ink nods and your wings flutter a bit, feeling a shift in the wind.

Y/n: why do your eyes change shape and color?

Ink's eyes shift into exclamation marks, then question marks, and then back to his regular eyes.

Ink: Oh! They change shape based on the emotion I'm feeling!

Y/n, nodding: well...that's cool, I guess.

Ink, nodding: yup! Say friend, do you want to keep in contact with each other?

Y/n, knowing they have a phone, sighs and thinks it over. One one hand, Memory told them to not talk to Ink, but Ink also seems nice, and he hasn't harmed her, so that's a bonus...Y/n then gives in and nods.

Y/n, sighing: Alright, we can keep in contact.

Ink blinks in surprise, his eyelights changing into exclamation marks, and then he cheers, his eyelights turning into hearts, and then suns. Ink then laughs and hands you a vial of ink. You look at the ink in curiosity, your tail flicking.

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