A Solitary Journey

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Life, the greatest teacher, has humbled me so,
Through trials and tribulations, it has made me grow,
No ill will do I bear, no revenge do I seek,
Just a peaceful solitude, a refuge for the meek.In the quiet corners of my heart, a wish resides,
For a world where peace and solitude coincides,
No malice, no hatred, just a gentle retreat,
A sanctuary of silence, where my heart can beat.I've learned the hard way, through life's relentless test,
That solitude is a blessing, a tranquil rest,
No need for revenge, no desire for a fight,
Just a longing for peace, in the soft moonlight.I wish no harm, no sorrow, no pain,
Just a world where love and kindness reign,
But for now, I seek a solitary path,
Away from the chaos, away from the wrath.So, to those who've wronged me, I bear no grudge,
Life has taught me, it's not my place to judge,
I wish you well, from a distance afar,
As I journey alone, guided by a solitary star.In the silence of solitude, I find my peace,
A place where worries and fears cease,
So, I ask for space, for a moment to breathe,
In the embrace of solitude, where I find relief.Life has humbled me, made me see,
That solitude is not loneliness, but a key,
To a world of peace, of tranquility,
A solitary journey, where I'm truly free.

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