Unfading Memories

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In the canvas of my mind, memories reside,
A gallery of moments, that time cannot hide.
I wish for them to fade, to dissolve into the blue,
But they linger, they persist, as if etched in tattoo.

Each memory, a footprint, left in the sands of time,
A haunting melody, in life's complex rhyme.
I yearn for forgetfulness, a sweet release,
But the memories remain, denying me peace.

They dance in my dreams, they whisper in my ear,
A constant reminder of joy, of love, of fear.
I wish for them to fade, to become a distant hue,
But they remain vibrant, their colors ever true.

Yet, in the heartache, a lesson unfolds,
In the persistence of memories, a story is told.
For each memory, however painful, is a part of me,
A testament to my journey, to the person I've come to be.

So, I embrace the memories, the joy and the strife,
For they are the brushstrokes, in the painting of my life.
I may wish for them to fade, to become a distant view,
But they are the reminders, of the strength I never knew.

Whispers of the Soul: A Symphony of VersesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz