Day 122 - Dear April

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Dear April,

     As your soft winds welcome in the warmth of spring, I am drawn to the beauty and promise you provide with each new day. It is a season of regeneration and rebirth, one of hope and opportunity, and it fills my heart with pleasure and appreciation.

     In your embrace, the planet awakens from its long winter slumber, bursting forth in a blaze of color and energy. Cherry blossoms bloom in lovely tones of pink and white, their petals floating in the air like confetti in the sky. The songbirds return after their long journeys, filling the air with their enchanting songs as they announce the beginning of a new day.

     Despite the majesty and magnificence of your bright days and starry nights, I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. Memories of previous Aprils rush my thoughts like bits of a half-remembered dream, each one a bittersweet reminder of the passing of time.

     I see children laughing amid the daffodils, their faces lit up with delight at their discovery. I recall the aroma of newly cut grass and the taste of strawberries ripe off the vine, the simple joys that make life worthwhile.

     But, while I love these memories, I am reminded that life is a combination of joy and sadness, light and shade. And so I cherish the ephemeral moments of beauty and grace that you provide, knowing that they are simply whispers in the big symphony of life.

     As I watch the sun set beyond the horizon on the final day of your reign, I am overwhelmed with appreciation for everything you have given me. You have been a steadfast companion on this journey known as life, a light of hope in a world that is all too often veiled in darkness.

     So, when I wish you farewell for another year, it is with a heart full of love and thanks. Thank you, April, for your warmth and brightness, and for the memories we've shared and treasured. May your lovely soul remain in the air long after you are gone, a reminder of the beauty and magic that surrounds us all.

With love and gratitude,

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