Day 16 - Eight Minutes

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   The world changed in the blink of an eye. As word traveled like wildfire worldwide, the unwavering light of day transformed into an eerie darkness. The Sun, the cosmic furnace that had fed Earth's life for millennia, had burst, and humankind was now in its dying eight minutes.

     Panic, astonishment, and an eerie quiet swept the world as people flocked in front of TVs, digesting the odd message that unfolded in front of them. The countdown had begun an unstoppable march to the inevitable conclusion.

8 minutes
     Skyscrapers in cities formed lengthy shadows as people spilled out into the streets. Strangers hugged, and the clamor of a bustling world died away into an unsettling silence. Time, which had hitherto been an elusive constant, they were suddenly loomed huge, measured in minutes that dwindled like grains of sand through an hourglass.

7 minutes     A father raced against the clock to hear his children's laughter one final time, thousands of miles away. The quiver in his voice betrayed the deep passion that erupted within him as he phoned their number. "I love you," he said quietly, the words dangling like a frail promise.

6 minutes     People found consolation in nature's majesty on mountain peaks and coastal coasts. The beauty that had been taken for granted had now become a heartfelt farewell. As lovers clung to one other, staring into a horizon that promised no tomorrow, tears mixed with sea salt.

5 minutes     Religious institutions were transformed into havens for souls seeking peace in their dying moments. Prayers rang out from cathedrals, mosques, temples, and synagogues, a communal plea to whatever powers ruled the cosmos. Humanity sought solidarity in its shared fragility in the face of approaching extinction.

4 minutes     Scientific brains toiled furiously, telescopes and apparatus aimed at the stars, in a desperate attempt to comprehend the solar system's terrible occurrence. Data poured into laboratories and observatories, a cosmic autopsy of the fading star that had given birth to them.
3 minutes     Social media became a digital canvas for humanity's collective expression. Timelines were swamped with images of love, sadness, and bravery. The internet, which was once a source of unending diversion, has evolved into a worldwide tapestry of shared humanity, a tribute to the fleeting nature of life.

2 minutes left
The sky, once a boundless canvas of blue, now bore witness to a cosmic ballet as debris from the exploding Sun hurtled toward Earth. The world below, bathed in an otherworldly glow, awaited the impending impact—a celestial exclamation mark on the final chapter of their existence.

1 minute left
A lone pianist in a crowded metropolis played a haunting melody, fingers dancing across the keys in a final serenade to a world that would soon be silenced. The music echoed through empty streets, a poignant elegy for a civilization on the brink of extinction.

30 seconds
     Then there was silence. The entire globe held its breath, caught between the echoes of the past and the abyss of the unknown. Regrets, aspirations, and unfulfilled hopes hung in the air like a tapestry stitched with the threads of innumerable human stories.

10 seconds     The breeze conveyed the sound of a child's laughing. The sound of a mother's lullaby lingered in the air. In the dying minutes, humanity's essence condensed into bits of shared joy, love, and sorrow—a cosmic requiem for a species on the verge of extinction.

5 seconds     The planet was flooded in a rainbow of hues as the atmosphere ignited in a spectacular show of cosmic pyrotechnics. The heavens, once a canvas of boundless blue, were now painting their ultimate masterpiece—a swan song for a dying world.

     A dazzling light engulfed the Earth, a heavenly embrace that transcended time and space. Humanity, a transient heartbeat in the cosmic symphony, faded into the vacuum in those final, tiny minutes. The Sun's fiery goodbye threw its final rays on a lonely, lone orb—a cosmic graveyard where echoes of a once-thriving world lingered in the cosmic winds.

366: One Story Per Day (2024)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora