Day 4 - Blackthorn Manor

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   A decaying home hung like a phantom against the starry sky in the lonely community of Raven's Hollow, where lush woodlands embraced the eerie silence. The enormous house, known as Blackthorn Manor by the locals, was thought to possess a gloom that surpassed the typical horrors of the night.

     As rumors spread across town, a group of daring friends—Ella, Marcus, Jenna, and Alex—decided to put their courage to the test by spending the night behind the foreboding walls of Blackthorn Manor. On a cool autumn evening, they gathered, their breath apparent in the crisp air as they neared the creaking gate that guarded the estate.

     Marcus pushed open the wrought-iron gate, revealing a walkway lined with gnarled trees, their twisted branches reaching out like skeleton fingers. The house loomed ahead, its empty windows looking into the souls of those who dared to enter.

     The air deepened with an unnerving quiet as the group reached the great lobby. Dust particles swirled in the moonlight streaming through shattered windows, creating an eerie atmosphere.

     Their laughter echoed down the lonely halls as the companions explored room after room. However, as the night progressed, the mood at Blackthorn Manor became increasingly oppressive. Whispers of ominous voices appeared to linger on the outside of perception, testing their sanity.

     Jenna came across a dusty tome in the dimly lit library—a chronicle detailing the terrible history of the estate. It told of a cursed family, pushed to madness and misery by a sinister force. The entries came to a sudden halt as if the author had met an unfathomable tragedy.

     The gathering was uneasy, but morbid curiosity kept them hostage. They continued, their footsteps echoing ominously through the rotting passageways.

     The temperature dropped when the clock struck midnight, and a stifling gloom surrounded the home. Shadows swirled around the walls, dense and vibrant, defying the logic of the weak moonlight. Whispers became murmurs that appeared to come from the very foundations of Blackthorn Manor.

      Ella, the most suspicious member of the group, rejected the strange happenings as figments of her mind. Marcus, Jenna, and Alex, on the other hand, exchanged apprehensive glances, their bravery fading in the face of the uncanny.

     A huge ballroom awaited at the mansion's center, its once-gleaming chandeliers now bare bones dangling from the ceiling. When the pals came in, an invisible force seemed to close the doors behind them. Panic gripped them as they realized the shadows had taken on a physical form—one that slithered and muttered malevolently.

     A phantom apparition appeared in front of them, its vacant eyes fixed on the invaders. The cursed soul's voice resonated around the ballroom, telling of the catastrophe that had befallen the Blackthorn family. Fear immobilized the friends, who gazed in terror as phantom events unfurled before their eyes.

     The shadows intertwined with the ghostly form. The air became thicker, and a chilly breeze rushed across the ballroom, extinguishing the dim illumination.

     Ella, Marcus, Jenna, and Alex sensed a presence closing in on them in the suffocating darkness. Shadows murmured stories of long-buried transgressions, their voices a cacophony of sorrow and malice.

     The first light of morning came through the smashed windows just as the buddies thought they were being engulfed by the abyss. The shadows recoiled, withdrawing into the ballroom's corners. The phantom form vanished, leaving the pals panting in the early morning light.

     The doors, which had been locked by an invisible power, swung open, liberating the gang from Blackthorn Manor's grip. Ella, Marcus, Jenna, and Alex staggered into the morning light, their features wan and haunted.

     The companions never talked of the horrors they experienced at Blackthorn Manor, but the whispering shadows haunted their dreams. The old home, now standing alone in Raven's Hollow, bore the echoes of a dark history that dared not be forgotten. The stories of Blackthorn Manor kept weaving their terrible narrative, warning anyone who ventured to cross the line between the living and the shadows that murmured in the night.

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