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a/n : Readers I'm counting on you to hold up your end of the deal and try to make your own guesses and understand what is written without me having to explain everything. Pay attention.

the alternate: twenty-some years ago

Chris smacks his teeth. "You always say that.".

"I know that's because I'm afraid you'll forget me one day." I pout.

''I won't. You'll always be my partner in crime.''  He places his hand on my shoulder.

I look away from his gaze when I feel myself starting to grin. Once, I wipe it clean from my face, sticking to a neutral look.  "Eww, stop being nice. It's weird." I shrug his hand from my shoulder.

"That's not being nice. I'm just talking to my friend."

"It's really too soft for you. "

"I know you'll have a fanbase and probably be famous for making music or playing basketball. I won't be able to visit my aunties house as often since I don't live nearby anymore." I say, changing the subject.

I want to continue, but I have said enough already. I wait as silence engulfs us. Comforting.

The noise in my head is quiet like always, and not many thoughts cloud it as I sigh in contentment. The only thing I can think of is my friend, and we won't be able to hang out as much.

"Relax. What I tell you?"

"That I'm ugly. I can't dance. I'm gone be-" I list all his remarks only for him to cut me off.

Chris snickers. "Wait. I'm not talking about that, but when you say that, it makes me wanna' call you out right now."

He's so goofy.

My mouth falls agape at him, and I slap his shoulder. "You didn't even try. " Shaking my head, I scoot over to the furthest end of the fence at my house.

We sat atop the grey fence beside my house while everybody went to the candy-later up the street. It was one of those days where it was less chaotic than usual, and I decided to bring up the elephant in the room after finding out he could sing and get someone to see him.

The fall leaves fell with the wind tossing it around, and I tugged my long-sleeved shirt closer to my body.

"On second thought, I don't think I will miss you as much. I'll probably be too famous for myself anyway."

He fakes a heartache. "I'm flattered that you think you'd make it that far. It really breaks my heart."

"You'd probably die of a heart attack before a heartbreak. I bet your first relationship is going to be with your dog. You probably get so lonely you even marry your cat."

"At least I'll have a cat. You probably won't even be married by the age of thirty. I can hear you complaining right now. 'Nobody loves me. I'm tired of my daddy giving me gifts.'"

"You wanna make a bet? I bet that it's not gonna happen."

"Mmhm. You can keep telling yourself that. Doubting yourself ain't gone get your the dream life you want, and complaining won't keep a guy in your life."

"Shut up! Let's make a bet!"

"You gone lose the bet. Bruh, you always do. Last time, I had you doing all my chores, acting like my housewife."  Chris laughs, slapping his knee. Knee-slapper is probably what he would've said.

"Aye yo, remember that? My mom was complimenting me about having a clean room for a month, and then when you got caught, she whipped my ass."

"It's not funny," I grumble.

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