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||the alternate ||


I groan as a throbbing headache wakes me from my slumber. I promised myself I wouldn't get so wasted last night. Not only that, but I could already hear my mother nagging me about my reckless behavior again, but I would not have it today.

Still half asleep, I try moving to stretch out my body by instinct but find my arms locked in one place. I frown as the thought of having sleep paralysis crosses my mind, and I feel the breaths of someone else's tickle my neck.

Who was in my bed? I tried to think of who would sleep in my bed with me, and when I concluded that no one would, I felt my body go rigid, and every bone in my body melted into puddles.

The thought of an absolute stranger being in my bed made my skin crawl with unease, and I could feel myself letting out uneven breaths. With the most courage, I open my eyes to see a ceiling with no fan staring down at me and take in my unfamiliar surroundings. This was not my room.

Gradually, I began to have a meltdown.

The room seemed to be lavish compared to the old apartment room I was used to. Where the hell did I go? When did I get here? So many thoughts crossed my mind as I entered my new settings.

The mattress was softer than the hard cushioned one I was used to, and the walls were cream white; there was a small flat-screened television in front of the bed on a wooden stand, and to my right, white curtains were shielding me from the outside world.

How did I get here?

Think. Think. Think.

What happened last night?


Then I tried to remember what I'd done the night before. It was my 38th birthday; I was working that night and had no plans. For some reason, I kept seeing a red plastic cup and a mixture of sweaty bodies in my hand. When the last night thing I remember was holding a glass bottle in my hand while drinking to my sorrows. I hated being a lightweight. As I tried remembering more, I came up with nothing.

Nothing. It was like a complete blockage; did I black out?

Letting out a short breath, "Why me?" I questioned softly while looking at the ceiling that practically mocked me with each second passing.

I must've drunk so much last night that I stumbled into someone else's room. This was so embarrassing, yet scary. I needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

I look down and notice a tatted arm wrapping around my torso with a firm grip. My eyes widen when the arm tightens its hold. As I attempt to move, the person pulls my body closer. Waiting a minute or two later, I carefully grabbed it and slowly removed their arm from me, fearing the person waking up, which was difficult, might I add?

I'm as good as dead if I don't find a way out; at this rate, I'll be in bed with a total stranger forever. My heart pounds sporadically. Panic fills me whole like a soda can. The sound of my heart is the only sound heard throughout the room.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

Once their arm is removed, I quickly place the nearest pillow in my spot so that it won't be too noticeable that I left at least right away.

A breeze brushes against my skin, causing me to shiver at its touch. I was freezing. Looking down, I notice that I am only wearing my bra and panties, and this causes me to start to hyperventilate. What did I do last night? We didn't? Did we? At that thought, I felt queasy.

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