Chapter THIRTY NINE - The Goblin

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"Jealous?" I turned my head to get a better look at him. His moles dark against his bright, pale skin, his hair tousled in the breeze - he looked peaceful. It was my turn for jealously then, guilt following closely behind.

Ominis shook his head and tilted his nose in my direction. "We all deserve a little healing don't you agree?" 

The silence sat between us, pawing at our ankles.

Another squeeze at my arm. "My offer still stands you know. Should I have any possibility to make life easier for you, I would surely-"

"No." Perhaps Sebastian hadn't told them everything, or maybe he just didn't realize exactly how useless I really was. "I can't Ominis."

The bite of my words shredded the chill of the air.

"I didn't mean to-"

"I know." I bit my tongue for cutting him off again. "I'm sorry Ominis. I just- I just want one day where I don't have to think about... anything."

He nodded, nose turning back to the baskets at our feet.

I worried the air would turn awkwardly stale and fumbled for a way to heal the cut. Ominis spoke first.

"Not even about a fresh mug of Butterbeer?" He held perfectly still until I let out a little laugh, his smile pushing at his cheeks.

"I suppose Butterbeer can be the exception."

"And lemon drops?"

I smiled. "Lemon drops too."


The promise of sweet treats and a cozy corner of the Three Broomsticks was, thankfully, enough to entice the twins back down from the tree and return them to our sides relatively unscathed. 

Sebastian's hand, rough and newly kissed with blisters, slid into mine and held tight the entire trek out of the forest and into Hogsmeade. His hips tapped mine with each step, a suffocating sort of nearness as if perhaps to make up for the moments he'd spent apart. I kissed his cheek in reassurance and our eyes met, a thousand flickering concerns trapped within the brown of his. I had to look away.

The happy hum of the pub and the sweet, sticky smell of Butterbeer warmed our noses as we stepped through the large doorway into the Three Boomsticks. The first few moments here never failed to overwhelm me before quickly fading back into a comfort, the ambience settling over my chest. The heavy, wheel-like chandelier danced above us in candlelight, the crackling flames of the far fireplace popped and sizzled, a few patrons laughed dizzyingly loud from one of the upper levels while a haggard couple sat in silence only a few paces away. No one stood at the bar aside from a rather lonely looking wizard on one of the stools who gazed longingly into the bottom of his cup and so we decided it would be best to find a place to sit before tracking down whoever might be working. 

We made our way to the back of the pub and the gentle call of the fireplace. The portraits seemed to whisper happily as we passed, a gossip among pigments and canvas. 

Claiming the corner nearest the fireplace, the four of us tucked our bodies into the worn wood of the chairs and slid the baskets beneath our feet, nestling them where they wouldn't get kicked.

"Ah! There she is!" Anne nearly bolted from her chair, spotting Sirona at a far table speaking to a rather short wizard with large ears - or a goblin rather. The witch's face brightened, noticing Anne and held up a single finger in our direction, letting us know she would be along in a moment.

Sebastian let out a large breath beside me. 

I nudged his shoulder to ask what was on his mind but the gentle bustling of fabric and the click click of boots across the floor interrupted.

The Devil Doesn't Bargain (MatD part 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora