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Avya's POV:

"What 'ridiculous situation'? Will you tell me?" I asked him while breaking the hug.

"Avya..look you fully trusted me right?"

"Is that even a question to ask? I trust you more than anything."

He sighed softly.

"Look..Ayesha is a girl from my class in highschool.."

"You were close friends?"

"No.. absolutely no! I had told you and only you are the person who changed my life. Who changed my opinion on relationships love marriage and family.."

"O..ok so next?" His words made me melt. How can I be angry on him now?

"She used to like me very much..it was like an obsession. She proposed me she took care of me and everything like I do for you..and she always stayed close to me and our parents were on good terms. But after the highschool we seperated as she moved abroad no contacts nothing at all.."

I felt jealous when he told me about his highschool life when she always stayed close to him like she was a magnet and he was an iron pole..well by body he is..but still that girl hmph!

"And now she returned from abroad and somehow she got my contact and she told me that.."

"That?" I asked nervously.

"She hadn't moved on..ok that's fine but her father texted me she is not ok mentally she is suffering from depression because of me..and had tried to do suicide too.."


I asked surprisingly. Is she this much obsessed with my man!? No she can't be! He is mine!


"Advik don't tell me it's the truth. How can it happen?"

"It's the truth Avya. That's why I wasn't taking proper meals and was avoiding you for past some days..I am so sorry my love!" He said and suddenly hugged me tightly.

First time he was so much vulnerable. I know he kills but only who deserve it. My Advik isn't that type of man who kills anyone. I know he is also soft inside. He doesn't want to be the cause of someone's death until and unless they deserve it.

"Love..this isn't my fault right that Ayesha is suffering this much? I don't love if she doesn't understand this isn't my fault right?"

"No..no Advik this isn't your fault. You are absolutely correct in your side. I am with you don't take tension. We will face everything together!"

He nodded and nuzzled his head in my neck. This is my soft Advik. I love him very much and I can't let him suffer like this.

"Advik.. let's hangout together with Ayesha to mall and all places? This will help in reducing her depression right?"

"But..I don't want to be anyone else but you..I can't do anything!"

"Advik..look we have to make Ayesha happy right? I can understand her feelings why she fell for you.."

"If you say so then fine.. Let's just follow your commands.."

"Hm.." I nodded and sighed. This was really unexpected situation for me and him too. How can this happen? This girl..no no overthinking again Avya stop!

Fast update..some mysterious things.. let's see what will happen next till then stay tuned.

Please vote for the chapter and ignore the grammatical mistakes.

Take care and stay healthy.

Love ya<3

Bubbye 🫂

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