Love At First Sight|| JKK 📚 by Atia Part-7

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He said "okay if you can't then...I will book a room for him so that you will sleep comfortably" she said "really you are doing all of this for him?" He stand up and said "not for him for you and for your beauty sleep." With that he left from there she felt her heart start beating too fast she speak in her heart "you have a kind heart intelligent brain everything but the lack is hiddayat... InShaallah you will get it soon."

With that she saw jungkook come in and said "okay I booked a room for him next to this he can stay there." She smiled and said "Thank you so much!" He smiled and took a step closer to her and they both had eye contact then he said "don't say thanks what I am doing is not only for you it's also for keep you safe from everyone." She felt her heart start beating too fast. Then Aria come there and said "Atia...ah who is he?"

Atia looked at her and said "my best friend." Aria smiled and said "best friend or boyfriend huh?" Jungkook smirked a little and and notice suddenly Atia start blushing and said "no...Haram haram" with that she went towards kitchen while saying "I am thirsty...I wanna drink water"

Aria laughed and say "oh you liar... don't hide your blush." Jungkook felt his heart start rising he then said "okay Atia...I put the keys here on the table pick it from hmm...bye."

She come towards him and said "hmm...bye" with that he left from there. After dinner Atia went towards Hamza and said "Hamza here is the keys" he looked at her in confusion and said "keys?" She said "Jungkook booked a room for you next to take it and take rest there." He said in a serious voice "what?why I can't sleep here and why your friend is interfering in our matter? Who is he huh?"

Her blood boiled in anger she bit her lower lip and said "how dare you to talk bad about him huh? and if you say it again I will cut you tongue and put it in your hands and I told him to book a room for you because whenever you are around me I feel uncomfortable...shut up your mouth and leave from here" he notice her eyes turned red in anger he knew that when she become she lost her control on herself.

He didn't say anything in reply then he took the keys and left from there. Atia went back to her room and saw Aria is sleeping but she didn't feel like sleeping so she went to the balcony and wait for Jungkook to come out.

On the other hand Jungkook speak to himself "if Hamza can give her a name then why I can't." He said what name should I give her...ah she is precious to me but if I call her by this she feel uncomfortable...but if I call her in any other language like...Arabic yeah in Arabic." He took his phone and screach 'my precious' it comes 'Azizi' he smiled while saying "yeah Azizi will be great...for you my love."

Then he came to his balcony and saw Atia was staring at the sky. He said loudly "hey Azizi what are you doing?" She looked at him in confusion she said "what did you call me?I think you forgot my name it's Atia not Azizi." He smiled and said "I will never ever forget your name never...and I give you a new name Azizi... isn't it good." She replied "yeah it's good but what it means?" He say i dramatically "sorry I can't tell it's a secret." They both laughed. After sometimes she left and Jungkook left from there.

He lay on his bed and then he got a call from his mother. He called his mom and said

"Hello are you"

"I am good... Jungkook how are you and when you are coming'

"Oh..eomma I will go there after 1 month"

"1month? Jungkook why so late...huh?

"Oh actually eomma I have surprise for you so wait I will take the surprise with me when I visit you."

"What the surprise is huh?"

"Oh eomma...okay I am telling you but didn't revel it infront of Appa and Hyung...hmm?"

"Okay I promise I won't."

"Actually eomma I love a girl...she is a Muslim so I can't be in a relationship with her nor I can't touch her...but she is my best friend I will bring her with me when I visit you."

"Really? Jungkook I am very excited to meet my daughter-in-law"

"Okay bye eomma... Good night"

With that he cut the call and start thinking about her he speak to himself "Oh my love I will make you mine one day my Azizi." With that he didn't realize when he fall asleep.
"Touching you is haram...but loving you is not."

Guys pray for me I didn't sleep properly from last some nights due to which my health is not well and that's why update is late. I will try my best to give you updates daily.💞

So please support me and encourage me for make new updates for you all.

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Love from Atia ❤️

Love At First Sight || JKK 📚 by Atiaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن