Love At First Sight||JKK 📚 by Atia Part-5

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As her grandma heard those words from her mouth she got shocked and say "hmm...why you wanna know this huh? You don't believe in love right? Atia gulped her saliva and said "i-i just want know about this thats is... You gonna tell me or not"
Her grandma chuckled and said "hmm when you fall for someone in first sight you feel like there is no one except you both and when you saw that person you love you felt your heart start beating so fast than normal..."

She was silently listening to her grandma and lost in her thoughts. Grandma says "are you okay... what happened...did you fall in love with someone there" as she listen this she felt her her again beating too fast she closed her eyes and said "n-no I didn't...okay grandma I will call you later hmm...Allah Hafiz" with that she cut the call.

As the call cut her grandma smiled and speak to herself "maybe she fall in love...ya Allah if she then help my child and make things easy for her"
At morning Atia wake up and start getting ready for her university as she has to join from today. She was wearing her hijab and was thinking about a apartment because she can't stay in this hotel anymore she has to take a rent apartment.

She speak to herself "I want someone's help should I call Teahyung.... But I forgot to exchange my number with him...Allah what should I do now" with that she remember something she again said "Ah I exchange my number with Jungkook... yeah I do but can he help me... Let's try"

She call him after some rings he picked the call. He said

"Hii Atia"

"How do you came to know that I call you"

"Yeah... girl I saved your number that day did you forgot"

"Oh sorry but I don't remember"

"Don't say sorry"

"Hmm...I need your help"

"Okay and how can i help you"

"Yeah i need Teahyung's number"

"Teahyung's number why?"

"Ah...I want to take a rent apartment near my university I can't stay here the food is here also haram"

"Hmm... so why you need Teahyung huh?"

"Because he can help me"

"I can't"

"Ah...if you are free then please"

"Yeah I am... I will come to your university and pick you then we will visit a apartment near your university"

"Okay... thank you"

"Hmm.... bye"


With that she cut the call and and booked a cab and went towards her university.
At University she met with new people and make new friends and it was time to leave. As she came out of university. she saw a man was standing there she smiled widely because he was Jungkook.

She came towards him and stand infront of him he also smiled and say "how do you recite when you see something pretty" she looked at him in confusion and said "Mashallah"

He then "mashallah you are looking so pretty" she felt her cheeks are turning red she said in her heart "what is this? why I am feeling like this" he said "come on we are getting late" with that he opened the door for her and said "come on sit here" she did what he said and sit in front sit next to his driving seat.And they both left from there.

Here in university a group of girls were gossiping about them one of them said "she has a boyfriend but she said muslims don't have haram relationship blah-blah" and a girl named shiny who was the head of the group said "leave her why we are wasting our time for her".

Love At First Sight || JKK 📚 by AtiaWhere stories live. Discover now