Love At First Sight || JKK 📚 by Atia Part-1

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So, it was midnight atia was crying and talking to her Allah in thajjud

She said "Oh Allah my beloved know I had many dreams and goals for that I wanna study in South Korea but my parents don't allow me... why? why?I am now 21 I can take care of myself I am matured now I am not a kid enough...Ya Rab please help me... Ya Rab "

With that she don't know when she fall asleep on her praying mat. She wake up at time of Fajr she realised she sleeped here. She chuckled a little at her own with that she went to bathroom and came after doing her wazu(Ablution). She offered her Salah and want to her Grandma's room.

She saw her grandma was reading Quran she smiled and went towards her and said politely "Grandma are you done with your salah" she give her a smile and said "yes my child I am done" Grandma asked "did you" She smiled and nodded her head

With that her grandma said "I have a good news for you" Atia looked at her with confused face she then said "And what is it" Grandma said "Go and take rest at breakfast table you will know"
She then hummed in response

And went to her room she lost in her thoughts that what the good news will be and then she didn't realize that she fall asleep.

She then wake up and and went to bathroom and freshen up she came to the dinning table and sit on the chair while saying "Assalamu alaikum" she sit and start eating her breakfast and suddenly she saw her father stand up and say "I have a great news for you all" she looked at him in confusion because he never do such thing in the middle of the food.

She then looked at him and he said "Atia my child" he then looked at her and again said "You wanted to study in South Korea so I have decided that we will leave you there...if you wanna fullfil your dreams then you can go"

After this she just can't believe in what she just hear a moment ago...She looked at her father and say "w-what?...are you all kidding with me or I am in my dream...I can't believe..."

They all looked at her and her grandma says "it's true my child...Allah listened to your prayers" Atia feel tears in her eyes And her mother said "Atia my child go and offer you Sukrana Nafal" She then looked at her mother and went to her room for her Nafal prayers.

She came to the dinning area after finishing her Nafal prayers it clearly seen that she cried in her prayers because her eyes were red and puffy.

Then her Parents and grandma asked her to sit near them her father said " I booked your tickets for New York" Atia looked at him in confusion he then noticed it and said "Don't be shocked you are going to South Korea but you uncle and cousins wanna meet you they can't came India due to some reasons so...You have to visit them in New York before you leave for Korea...Okay" She hummed in response

That night she slept with her grandma because she has to leave after Fajr for her flight.

Grandma asked her "I pray to Allah for you success and when you came back to India InShaallah you will found you true love" Atia looked at her and said "aaahhh... You know very well that I don't believe in love" Her grandma said " But...but you should believe my child" Atia said "hmm"

And in Fajr she and her grandma both done with their Salah it's time atia's flight.

She then said her family and flew towards New York.


And here Teahyung came New York for some work. After he reached he got a call from jungkook

"Hey... Teahyung did you reached safely"

"Yeah I am..."

"When you re coming?"

"Maybe in 2 days"


With that jungkook cut the call and Teahyung reached at his hotel...And take a bath and went to sleep


On the other hand Atia reached at New York and went to her uncle's house and meet them Her cousin sister asked her "I just don't want to let you go can't you stay her" Atia said "Yeah...I am staying for 2 days my dear" Her cousin looked at her in disbelief and said "you are just here for 2 days...I thought you will stay for 1 month but....unbelievable"

With that she leaves from there with a sad pout Atia and her aunt were laughing at her state. Then her aunt asked her "she is right you need to stay here for long not for a month but at least for a week my child, you uncle will be angry my child"

Atia looked at her and said "once I will came in vaccination I will spend 1 month here...Okay happy" Her aunt smiled and said "InShaallah"

Her aunt said "And after you complete your studies I will asked Hamza for you" She felt her heart stop beating for a moment as she heard Hamza name from her mouth. She said
"h- hamza"
"Do you think I can be yours"

So guys I think the story is being boring so wait....I have a great twist.

Don't forget to vote guys

Lot of love from your Aurthor 🥰

Love At First Sight || JKK 📚 by AtiaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang