Princess - Ch. 104

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"Keep calm and focus."

Geddu's voice in my head felt hypnotizing. I was obliged to follow her instructions, even though they freaked me out more than once.

"That's all right, Princess, you are doing great so far." She hummed directly into my brain, but I struggled to understand what happened around me. For brief moments I panicked, other times I was perfectly calm and confident, going ahead of the team to deal with scary-looking monsters like it was nothing.

I started to lose control over my body, let alone my sanity.

"You are overreacting, I'm here to help you," Gadurien claimed to comfort me, but I had my doubts. Why would she suddenly show up and venture into the abyss with me when other gods avoided this place? And this immense power, all for free? It sounded too good to be true. "What kind of paranoia is that? You prayed for days, and I came to help you. Why would I try to take over your body?"

I couldn't answer these questions, nor think about them for too long, because the rest of the strike force caught up to me, and Cath patted my back, her face mirroring my worries.

"That was some amazing show of force, but are you all right?" She asked, her blue eyes reflecting my confused expression right back at me.

"I don't know... In one second I feel scared, and the next it seems nothing could even hurt me." I confessed some thoughts that got mixed up in the whirlwind inside my head. "I am amazing, aren't I? Got rid of that pit fiend with a single punch, didn't even use my sword."

"Yes, you act like a real warrior princess... Like Gadurien from the old legends." The paladin confirmed and pulled me along with the formation. I heard some whispers but if they talked about me, they didn't want me to notice. Or maybe I became paranoid... "It's not like your original behavior wasn't similar already, but now you have the strength for it too, so I can see why you'd be confused."

"See, I didn't do anything bad to you, just granting your wishes." The voice of the goddess argued. I glanced at the mangled corpse of the humanoid monster and almost threw up as I realized what I had done. I dealt with it alone. "Well, not exactly, but I can give you the strength and the knowledge to use it properly."

"Was Gadurien part of the royal family too?" I asked the paladin once her words echoed amidst the storm in my brain. "I thought she was just an everyday knight, but now I learned she was a girl and even a princess?"

"Haha, I thought you were the expert on her, your Highness." Cath reacted with a giggle, patting my back again. She used those official names again, instead of calling me Elizabeth. I wanted to catch up to her and close the gap between us, but from how she behaved, it only widened.

We ventured deeper inside the cave system, but the Saipole princess advanced slowly and took her time to pick between the branches, even if we hadn't met other foes after that. I caught her glances a few times, and similarly from the others.

The Gadurien from the old legends was always sympathetic to me, but since she nested inside my brain, I realized how little I knew about her background or gender. The soldiers must have been confused, even the paladin I traveled with for a long time learned a brand new side of me, one I wasn't aware of either.

"I only know as much as they taught me via Remmol's legends, and yes, as far as I know, she was a member of your family." The paladin noted after a few moments of silence. "She was too far down the line of inheritance, so she became an adventurer not much after the first great Continental War, then joined the knights during the second one and met Remmol, both becoming saints after a fierce battle..."

"Yes, I knew about this, just not the being a royalty part." I shook my head and remembered our conversation more than a month ago. "They both got important commands and became separated. Gadurien took over the south, while Remmol fought in the west, but right before the battle started, Remmol ascended into godhood."

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