21.An Elephant and a Chicken

Start from the beginning

Bubba:well then, allow me to show you a place alright?


*They get up once again and kickin follows Bubba out of the house, he was wondering where they were going, especially since they were going behind bubba's house and to kickin's surprise, behind was a flower field, a beautiful one too, he was amazed by the view, especially since there were no trees around to block the sun and the clouds, and since it was afternoon already, the sun was setting, making the view even more beautiful*

*Kickin's mind:"omg....the view is incredible! I didn't know bubba had this behind his house! Then again I never came to his house....but this is just...."*

*His thoughts were interrupted when bubba called his name*


*He got startled and looked at bubba*


*Bubba pulled a boucket of roses and gave it to kickin with a small smile*


*Kickin stared at the roses and back up at bubba before grabbing the boucket and staring at it*

*Kickin's mind:"a boucket of roses.....why would he give me these? Does he....does he feel the same...?"*

*Bubba put his hands Behind his back before staring back at the sun setting, kickin looked at him, bubba spoke*

Bubba:yk....you have made it pretty obvious about your feelings for quite awhile now.
But even so, I feel the same.

Kickin:you do...?

Bubba:mhm, the reason why I called you over wasn't for a talk, but to confess.
I didn't want the others to hear this conversation between us.
So instead I bought a boucket of roses for you, a little rabbit told me they were your favorite.

*Kickin's mind:"he talked with hoppy about me!? So he did get information from her....I wonder if he got advice from bobby aswell...."*

Bubba:I have felt the same way for a good time now.....
But I wasn't sure if you felt the same, so I keep it to myself, until you started showing your feelings, I was skeptical at first, and you can guess where I got the correct information from.

Kickin:I swear I'm gonna kill that rabbit one day....

*Bubba laughed at kickin's comment*

Bubba:yk....despise not saying it directly...I would like to do that now.

Kickin:say what directly?

Bubba:that I love you kickin.


*Kickin's mind:"he really loves me...he said it....my heart is beating really fast....what is this feeling...?"*

Kickin:you love me...?

Bubba:I do.
I have loved you for a long time now, and Ik you feel the same.
That's why we're here.

Kickin:so you brought me here....bc you wanted to confess to me...?

Bubba:mhm, like I have stated before, I never brought you here to talk.

Kickin:yk....I feel bad for not having anything to give you in return....after all you did give me flowers....

No need to feel bad, their just part of me confession.
You don't need to give me anything in return, knowing that you love me back is more than enough.

Stop being so sweet!

*Bubba laughs at Kickin's flustration*

*Kickin's mind:"I have to give him something in return....but what? Wait, Ik!"*

*While bubba laughed Kickin took the opportunity to give him a kiss on the cheek(face ffs) which caught bubba off guard*


*Bubba stopped laughing and looked at Kickin who looked embarrassed, before smilling*

Bubba:why are you so embarrassed?

Kickin:shut up....

*Bubba grabbed kickin's hand and face before giving him a kiss, Kickin's eyes widen at the sudden kiss, he was caught off guard, when the kiss ended Kickin went red as tomato and hide his face on bubba's shoulder who laughed at him*

*The sun has setted, it was now dark outside*


*Kickin's mind:"wth!? Why did he do that!? Omg, this is so embarrassing....but...his laugh...."*

*Bubba's grip on Kickin's hand thighten*

Bubba:it is dark now, why don't we go back inside?


*Kickin was still embarrassed from the sudden kiss but went with him either way*

*They went back inside bubba's house and bubba decided to make something for both of them to eat, he wasn't exactly the best cook but he could manage something, on the other hand Kickin was a disaster at cooking(he burned a kitchen once, just like hoppy, they can not be trusted in a kitchen).*

*They had dinner and then had a movie night, they were watching a horror movie, IT, Kickin hates clowns so naturally he ended up clinging to bubba when he got scared(90% of the movie), Bubba simple stayed still to provide him comfort while also laughing at him*

*When the movie ended kickin was tired so he ended up falling asleep on bubba's shoulder, bubba noticed this and smiled, he picked kickin up in bridal style(my favorite style, it's obvious by now) and put him on his bed, before laying down next to him and kissing his forehead*

Bubba:Goodnight Kickin.

*Kickin smiled in his sleep, as bubba slowly fell asleep, and then, they were now both asleep together*


*Timeskip, in the morning, Kickin woke up, he slowly sat up and looked around to find himself in bubba's bedroom, he saw that bubba was not there with him, he got out of bed, still sleepy, he went towards the kitchen when he heard the sound of his new lover voice*

Bubba:Goodmorning Kickin.

Kickin:Morning.....what are you doing?

Bubba:I'm making breakfast for both of us.

*Bubba was making waffles for breakfast, one of Kickin's favorite*

Kickin:just how much information about me did Hoppy give you-?

*Bubba laughs*

Bubba:trust me, a lot.

Kickin:I can tell....

*Kickin went closer and just watched bubba preparing the waffles*

*After a bit, they both ate the waffles, and Kickin couldn't lie, these waffles were better than picky's! Better not let her hear that-*

*They stayed in the living room after eating and talked for a bit, before going outside to meet with the others who were waiting for them on the garden*

Hoppy:there you two are-
Wait....are you guys holding hands!?

Bobby:omg, is it!?

Bubba:it is.
We are officially in a relationship.

*Kickin was embarrassed, while the others congratulation them*

*Starlight whispered to catnap*

Starlight:that could be you and dogday if you confess-


Starlight:so agressive....

*Hoppy immediatly hugged kickin and started showering him with questions, kickin couldn't even answer one with how many questions she was asking, while Bubba and Bobby stayed on the side watching the two and laughing*

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