Chapter 07 :Non more to it?

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you gonna help" she asked
"Why you need my help" he responded
"No...but I thought you'd offer some help"
"What's so hard about doing the dishes Brittney you never want to do anything by yourself"

He walks away. That was the first time after so many years that Tom called Brittney by her name and that made her question certain things. She really didn't understand why but she didn't want to know why because she was going to marry him anyways so it didn't matter. When she finished doing the dishes she called her sister Beverly:

"Heyy Britt what's up"
"Alot has been happening you know so I'm kinda exhausted"
"Is it the wedding"
"Yeah sis, you mind coming down here I would really appreciate your help"
"Of course I'll come down probably thus weekend"

After that call she went to take a shower and the next thing Tom was in there with her. He kissed her and carressed her. He felt guilty but he didn't want to apologize and so he felt like fucking her was the best way to go. They made out for the rest of the evening.

Maybe Tom still cared about Brittney,maybe he even loves her and this thing with Sarah is a test on the love they have for each other. He didn't know exactly what to call it but he figured he really didn't have to label it especially because only him and Sarah knew about it right?

The following day Sarah woke up really early and prepared for school,her parents weren't back yet and she didn't care. She made herself breakfast then Minty knocked on the door. She let her in..

"So tell me everything"
"Everything?" Sarah replied in shock

She came to think that Minty knew about Tom and their secret was out...

"Yeah how did it go with Andrew"
"But I told you"
"Come on Sarah you didn't exactly tell me everything and besides I know for a fact that he likes you and you like him right?"
"Uhh...Minty I don't know about that"
"But your always blushing on the phone...Ohhh you got a boyfriend right"

Sarah didn't know whether to say yes or no. Was Tom her boyfriend...well of course not and besides even if he was she couldn't tell Minty.

"No I don't have a boyfriend...I mean if I'm blushing on the phone why does it have to be because of a boy"
"Well I don't know but what I do know is that someone's in your life and your just not telling..."
"You know what I know... we're gonna be late so let's go"

The two girls left for school,Sarah was kinda relieved that Minty wasn't talking about Tom. At this point she knew that she'd have to pretend to like Andrew just to get Minty of her case about a certain someone in her life. When school was over they went to hang out with Andrew. Minty was excited to see her friend in action,Sarah didn't really wanna go but she had to.

"Hey Sarah and uhh..." Andrew said
"Minty my names Minty" Minty said
"Yeah Heyy Andrew Wassup?"Sarah said with no care

The two starred at each other for some time...Minty sat there kinda dismayed

"Yeah so Andrew what are you studying" she said breaking the weird atmosphere
"Uhh...I'm doing engineering...Sarah do you want anything to eat maybe I can get it for you"
"Oh uhmm not hungry but thanks"she responded coldly

Sarah thought to herself that she was actually trying to seem as though she liked Andrew or even want to be there with him and Minty. She was kinda grateful that Minty was there and she wasn't all by herself. They sat there and kept making unwieldy conversations. Eventually it got late and Andrew offered to pay the bill. Sarah didn't really find that romantic because she didn't really notice that she had no money. They said their goodbyes and Sarah was so relieved to be leaving and going home. On the way home Minty kept giving Sarah weird looks. Sarah noticed this and stopped on the side of the road.

"What you wanna say something," she said angrily
"You can get pissed okay, but I'm not offended because I understand"
"Understand what??"
"You like him...Sarah you really do"

Sarah really didn't know what to say but because she quickly remembered that she had to convince Minty that she liked Andrew and that there was no one else...

"Uhh...maybe I do okay" she then continues
"Yea you do...but you know you could tell him and stop acting like you don't wanna be around him"
"That's what I've been doing"
"Uh yeah so you wanna talk about it"
"Not now Minty"

She didn't have any lies to tell. She didn't want to tell her friend these lies. When she got home she texted Tom to meet up with her. They met up at an  abandoned junkyard,she really wanted to see him and he was happy that she texted him when she was at her lowest.

"So..what's up" he asked
"I just have alot on my plate right now Tom..I..I..I"

She just couldn't get the words out. She couldn't simply just say she missed him because she felt like she didn't want to give him that power over her. But even though she wouldn't say it she knew that it was the truth.Tom just sat there on the backseat of Sarahs car and all you could hear if you were passing by was heavy breathing...

"What...what's wrong babe I'm here for you,you know that right?"he said
"Tom I...I..mi.."
"You what..."
"I...I...I miss you okay,I just can't deal without seeing you for so long...these past few days I haven't felt like myself"

He simply just looked at her and after a while smiled...he didn't say anything because he didn't have anything to say. He kept looking at her and saw how heavily she was breathing,she just sat there. The next thing she felt her seat being let down and when it stopped Tom was above her head. He looked at her and kept smiling...

"You missed me" he then said in a very humble sigh
"Yeah okay I hate that I do"
"Why's that babe what you don't love me"

What question was that? Sarah didn't even know what to say...

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