Chapter 02 : The unexpected (PG 18 SN)

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Sarah was really excited to be here now that she had made a woman older than her intimidated by her. She was happier than she was that morning. Her parents came back and brought home some Chinese takeaway. Her mum set the dinner table and they all sat down to eat. There was just complete silence at the table,no how was your day honey or did you manage to settle in well enough. That's because no one cared enough to want to know she tried to break the ice by saying "so our neighbours seem cool" no response just a complicated look between her parents. She decided to just excuse herself and go to her bedroom,no what's the matter, finish your dinner typer shit just nothing that was the type of life she was living. A life she had already gotten used to.

By the time she was in her room her parents started conversating making her feel like the problem. She sat listened to some music and then her neighbours just ruined her night by making out as loud as possible. She tried to fall asleep but she couldn't and so she kept awake the whole night.

Sunday was just as boring as Saturday. All alone with no one to talk to the whole day. Then came Monday, she was starting at her new school which was a school not so far from her neighbourhood it was the local high school. She woke up earlier than normal just to see her parents who were already on their way out when she was just about to get ready. She wasn't really excited for school she hoped her mum would accompany her and help her get through the intense feelings of starting a new school. But it was like they were numb although she was already used to it she always had hope that they would actually change some things. She took a shower,got dressed and got into the car and set off for the school. She already knew where it was because she remembered Tom telling her about it. When she got there she started at the principal's office just to meet her form teacher and get her timetables and schedules. She met Miss Parker and she walked her to her class introduced her to her classmates, and told them where she was from and that she had just moved here last Friday. The rest of the day was just about getting to know the different structures of the school the different titles. The jocks, cheerleaders,cool kids,the bullies,the nerds and of course the dancers of the school. She sat alone the whole day no one to talk to and of course no one she would want to talk to. When school was over Sarah hurried to her car and so she was noticed by some girl squad. "This your ride",one of them asked she looked and sounded like the leader. "Name's Miranda Lambert and I think you have a really cool ride" she continued,Sarah froze for some time thinking about what these girls wanted from her. "Your name?" Miranda asked "Sarah...Sarah Silverman", "nice name Sarah anyway just because you seem cool mind chilling with us at lunch tomorrow" she said, "well yeah that's okay with me " responds Sarah. She looked at them one more time and got into her porch Panamera 4s and drove off.

When she got home she was kinda excited to be going to school tomorrow. Not because of the girls who talked to her but the girl who actually complimented her. She made herself a drink and did some homework. After that she went outside to take a dip into the pool and as she was dipping herself in a very familiar voice talked right behind her, "hey Nice pool" he said. It was Tom yet again on the other side of the fence. "Oh hey thanks I mean yeah it's cool " she said. "Well I would join you but I'm too tired" Tom said. "Oh what wored you out" she asked and yet again Brittney's voice disrupted their conversation. "Uh I gotta go so I'll see you diver" smiled Tom while walking towards the house. It was rather weird that they were always disrupted by the so called girlfriend Brittney. Sarah was too excited for school tomorrow that she didn't really wanna bother herself thinking about Brittney and her issues and so she went out of the pool and headed for the house.

She made herself something to eat and cleaned up,took a shower and went straight to bed. The next day she woke up early again but this time she found a letter rather than her parents being there to tell her that they have to go away for a few days and they'd see her when they get back. She was too happy to even bother being mad at them. And so she prepared herself for school and headed there as soon as she could. When she got there she didn't really see the girls anywhere she had hoped she'd see them before school starts but that didn't happen. At lunch time she looked all over for them but didn't find them and so she convinced herself that they may have not come to school.

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