Part 4

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A large demon, similar to what the party had first faced at Baste Castle, burst through the door.

Izzy and Cammy let the frosted steak drop to the floor. In the blink of an eye, their weapons were drawn and sliced into the monster.

Braxton rushed past them out into the street. Three more demons were terrorizing several of the citizens of MistyGrove.

"For my ancestors!" he shouted as he leapt toward the closest one. The demon barely had time to turn and face him before his ice blade was lodged in its chest.

Izzy and Cammy burst out of the tavern covered in demon bits.

"Save the people!" Izzy shouted and charged the next closest demon.

"Save some action for me!" Cammy shouted as she chased Izzy.

Braxton was already running toward the third demon. It turned and belched a river of flame at its attacker. Braxton rolled to the side and narrowly avoided the demonic breath-weapon. The demon picked up a barrel next and flung in Braxton's direction. The big man sliced through it with ease. The demon roared, but its breath was cut short when Braxton removed its head.

Izzy and Cammy took turns stabbing the second demon. Its body wrenched with each thrust until it finally crumpled to the dirt.

"Oh, come on!" Cammy shouted. "This is too easy!"

"As you wish," a voice said from further up the street. It was female, but distorted somehow. The party looked to see a woman dressed black leather armor with red highlights. Her eyes glowed with red, demonic power.

"Destroy them, my children!" she shouted.

A dozen demons ran past her and charged Izzy, Cammy, and Braxton.

Izzy and Cammy shared a brief, shocked expression, then charged the oncoming hoard.

"Have at you!" Braxton shouted and leapt toward the first attacker.

Izzy ran up the side of a wall, back-flipped, and stabbed a pair of demons in the neck on the way down. A third demon managed to slap her out of the air however, and she hit the side of a small house hard.

Cammy leapt high in the air and landed on a demon's shoulders. She slid her blade down its spine, then leapt again to avoid a second demon's attack. She removed its head on the way down. She blocked a third demon's attack, but a fourth managed to kick her and she was sent rolling down the street.

Braxton plowed into three demons and knocked them off their feet. He managed to stab two before two more engaged him. He violently slashed at them and managed to inflict several deep wounds. Another grabbed him from behind and lifted him off his feet.

"Unhand me, creature of the fowl pitt!" he shouted.

Cammy rolled behind the demon and slashed at its legs. It roared and released Braxton, who swiftly sliced the demon in two.

"Gratitude to you, Camryn!" he said with a smile as the two of them continued to slice and dice the demons crowding around them.

"Where's Izzy?" Cammy shouted as she dodged, parried, thrust, and slashed.

"She is there!" he shouted back and briefly pointed up the road.

Izzy charged toward the woman in black, who was unsheathing a long, wicked looking blade of pure darkness. Black smoke radiated from it as she slashed the air in preparation for Izzy's first attack.

"No!" Cammy screamed. "We have to help her! She's already wounded. She won't survive!"

Braxton braced himself for a moment, then sprang forward and knocked down three more demons.

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