Gardening Crime (Part - 1)

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The first time Tina saw Granny
           It was a warm morning where Tina and her mother were going out for shopping. Seeing Tina, her mom feels strange because every time her mom calls her for shopping, she lays on the bed and says a big no, but today was a little different. She was so excited to go shopping with her mom. So they were going to many shops and purchasing whatever they liked and something for cooking. Suddenly, her mom noticed one street, which was so beautiful. The atmosphere, green scenery, and clean road just attracted her, so she called her daughter Tina and said, 'Let's go this way'. Hearing her mom, she turned in the direction, was mesmerised, and happily went in first, seeing that her mother smiled and followed her.
            There were many shops on that street, so one by one, her mom looked at them. Suddenly, her mom noticed a shop that had fresh vegetables and went to buy them. While Tina was noticing and actually observing the things that were happening there, Tina noticed a flower shop more like a nursery where they were selling flower plants and seeds. Actually, she likes gardening, so she looked at the shop more like a staring.
            Mean time, her mom noticed a shop on the opposite side; it was quite different because they sell fruit and vegetable snacks freshly, so she called Tina, who drowned in a flower shop, and told her, 'Let's go to that shop and buy some snacks'. Then she saw the shop, but she noticed that there were lots of people who were protesting while her mom was buying some snacks. She was just staring at the protesting people. Then she asked her mom about protesting, and she replied, 'Maybe they need something or they don't like something', 'Come, let's go home'.
              Hearing her mom Tina was concerned about those people and went home with her mom. While going home, she noticed the scene of a middle-aged man buying some plants near him, a grandmother who had already bought the plants, and suffering to carry those bags because of their weight. The scene was also noticed by one young boy, and he came and asked the grandmother, 'Shall I help you carry this grandmother?' Hearing him, Granny gradually accepted his help; then they both went from there, and Tina also followed her mom.

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