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The sight of Aldric's severed head sent waves of shock and horror surging through Draven, Orion, and Evander. Paralyzed with fear and disbelief, all they could do was stare at the gruesome spectacle before them. Silence enveloped them as they grappled with the horrifying reality that unfolded in front of their eyes.


Then the sound of Aldric's lifeless body hitting the ground shattered the silence.

"As I said..."

Scorpion paused, his voice dripping with disdain, as he wiped off the part of his clothing that had come into contact with Aldric's blood. He looked at it with an expression of disgust, as if the mere touch of it was repulsive to him.

With one hand occupied in cleaning his attire, Scorpion still gripped his blood-stained sword firmly with the other.



"...there was no need to draw your swords because you are all already dead men!"

Scorpion declared with a menacing grin, and in an instant, he dashed toward Draven, Orion, and Evander, wielding his sword with lethal speed and readiness to kill.




As they noticed Scorpion approaching, their instinct kicked in. Draven, Orion, and Evander channeled their mana to their swords as they prepare to defend against Scorpion's impending attack. Despite the overwhelming shock and loss, they were feeling at the moment. They relied on their training and experience to push themselves forward, not allowing their grief to cloud their focus.


Draven, Orion, and Evander grunt, as they felt the killing intent emanating from Scorpion as he closed in. They recognized that only those who had fought in numerous battles or had taken countless lives could exude such an amount of killing intent.



"Am I trembling...?"

Draven questions himself. His voice carried a mixture of surprise and concern. He glanced down at his trembling hands, a clear indication of the fear and adrenaline coursing through his body. The intensity of the situation was taking its toll on him, and he struggled to maintain his composure.

With a quick glance to his left, Draven noticed Orion paralyzed with fear, his once confident demeanor replaced with uncertainty. On the other side, Evander was trying to hold on, but the weight of the tragedy they had just witnessed was visibly wearing him down. Draven understood that their emotional turmoil was as much of a threat as Scorpion's approach, and they needed to overcome it to stand a chance against their formidable foe.


In that moment Draven steps forward with a determined gaze. He raised his sword and cuts his arm.


Overwhelming the fear, he felt with pain.

"Keuk... you call yourself 'Knights'! Yet when confronted with the murderous intent of the bastard who took the life of our comrade, our friend, you quiver in fear... What would we tell Aldric when we reunite with him in hell? That we perished as cowards, unable to even draw our swords against the bastard that killed him? No! Even if I cannot kill that bastard, I will make sure to leave a scar! Arrrggghhhhhh!!!..."

Draven yelled as he charged at Scorpion with unwavering determination.


"Hahahaha!!... you should Consider yourselves fortunate that I am the one taking your worthless lives,"

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