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Tristen and Percival yelled in pain, covering their eyes as the intense light temporarily blinded them. The sudden and overwhelming brightness disoriented them, leaving them vulnerable and unable to see their surroundings.


"Did you not know that in a fight, you should not take your eyes off your opponent? Kekekeke."

Cobra said in a mocking tone as he appears behind Tristan and Percival.


Tristan and Percival's hearts pounded in fear as they heard the unknown voice behind them. Panic took over, and they instinctively turned around, blindly swinging their swords toward the source of the sound, hoping to hit their unseen assailant. Their actions were fueled by a mix of adrenaline and fear, but the lack of visibility made their attacks wild and unguided.




"Whoops... Kekeke, how do you expect to hit your target if you don't look at it?"

Cobra jeered, his mocking laughter resonating through the hall. As he displays remarkable ease and agility, effortlessly evading their wild attacks, staying just out of their reach.



"Did you ever imagine being blinded by a mere everyday magic tool? Normally, it's just used for lighting up a dark space, but in the hands of a killer, this seemingly ordinary tool becomes dangerously potent..."

Cobra taunted with a mocking tone, as he continued to skillfully dodge their attacks.




"Well... I must admit, I'm rather disappointed. I had heard grand tales of the capital's mighty imperial knights, yet witnessing your pathetic display now leaves me utterly underwhelmed. I suppose this, is all the capital's imperial knights amount to."

Cobra mocked while reveling in his victory over the blinded knights.

Percival's face contorted with a mix of anger and determination upon hearing the ridiculing words, directed at the imperial knights. His sense of honor as a knight felt deeply wounded, and he was resolute in reclaiming it, no matter the cost.

"Bastard! You can insult me all you want, but I will not stand here and let you tarnish the honor of the imperial knights!!"

Percival yelled in a loud, resolute tone as he activated his mana sense and swiftly located Cobra's position. With all his remaining mana gathered in his sword, he charged at Cobra, fully prepared to unleash a potentially lethal attack.



As Percival dashed forward, Cobra displayed extraordinary speed, eluding Percival's mana sense effortlessly. And in the blink of an eye, He materialized behind his unsuspecting opponent, his sword unsheathed with lightning-like speed, as he plunged it into Percival's back.





Percival groaned in excruciating pain, as Cobra's sword ruthlessly pierced through his back and emerged cruelly from his stomach.


Tristan's voice echoed with worry and panic as he heard Percival's painful grunt. He desperately tried to open his eyes to see what had happened, but his vision remained blurred, making it difficult to distinguish right from left. Not being able to see what was happening, left him in a state of panic.

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