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"My name is Cyra Branigan, the first daughter of Viscount Branigan. Our Grandfather Rufus Branigan was a knight who fought for the emperor in the war to unify the North. He was a distinguished knight who earned many outstanding achievements on the battlefield. One, including capturing a major defense line of the Golden Empire, the Pillar City. It was a city that had twenty thousand enemy knights and mages, defending it. But with only five thousand knights under his command, he was able to bring the city to its knees. But unfortunately, while fighting in one of the many battles that occurred in the war. An arrow that was coated with a deadly poison hit him. And before he could be treated, he died. Seeing this, the emperor decided to pass the reward of my grandfather's achievement to my father, the youngest and only male child my grandfather had.

The rewards given to my father were the title of a viscount, the city that grandfather conquered, and more than five hundred thousand gold coins. In contrast to my father, who devoted most of his attention to practicing becoming a knight just like his father. My aunts, who are well-read, offered to help my father manage the money and territory given by the emperor. But my father rejected their help and instead accused them of trying to steal his money and land.

After being disgraced and insulted by their own brother, they decided to cut ties with him. And, as soon as they left, my father spent most of the gold on medicinal ingredients that would increase his mana. Which would help him enter the second-class Grandmaster realm. But eventually, he failed to advance his realm, no matter how much mana-gathering medicine he bought. As the amount of mana a person can store is determined from birth. And my father was born with a white/E-class mana level. Destined to never step past the First-Class Grandmaster knight realm.

Learning about his faith, my father began to indulge himself in alcohol, drugs, and all sorts of pleasures. And it was while indulging himself in these pleasures that he met our mother, a commoner who had just begun working as a maid in the Branigan estate. As soon as he saw her, he decided to take her for himself. As our mother tried to resist, he threatened to kill her and her family if she kept resisting. And out of fear, my mother gave in and was raped on the stairs leading to the second floor of the Branigan estate. And I was born due to this incident.

Everyone in the Branigan estate, including my father's main wife, Viscountess Liana, knows about this incident. After discovering my mother was pregnant with his child, my father had no choice but to marry my mother into the family as a concubine. Although we are part of the Branigan family, we are treated no differently than servants. That is why I must accomplish my plan today."

Cyra said in her mind with a determined expression while staring at the royal family table.

"Hey, have you noticed? After the prince was named, the emperor and the empress disappeared."

A noble lady dressed in a light pink dress whispers loudly to another lady beside her who wore a yellow-colored dress.


Immediately after hearing those words, Cyra turns her attention to their conversation.

"Well... I heard a rumor that the empress and emperor are having a fight because the emperor changed the empire's law. Allowing the princesses to fight for the heir to the throne."

The lady dressed in a yellow dress said while covering her mouth with her yellow-colored folding fan.

"What! How could the emperor–"

As the lady in the light pink dress spoke, she was interrupted by the intense stares of the other nobles in the Hall.

Once upon a time, a young noble lady talked badly about the emperor at a tea party and, the next morning her maids found her dead in her room, with her tongue pulled from her mouth and placed on her chest. And the people who listened to her words without doing anything also met the same fate. That event was named the 'SILENT AFTER TEA PARTY'. Ever since that event, no one has dared question the emperor's actions.

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