Mud Pies and Magical Bakeries

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Author's note: We made it! This is the final chapter of this story. I cannot believe it has been over a year since I have been writing about these two hooligans. I do have another story in the works so be on the look out if you want to continue with their story! :)


"See! I had faith that you would get a passing grade in potions! And you kept telling me it would be nearly impossible."

Andromeda was practically beaming at Ominis while clutching his O.W.L results against her chest. It had been a few days since they received their results, but Ominis was reluctant for Andromeda to read them out loud to him. He didn't want to disappoint her with all the hard work she put in to help him study for a class that he found to be so challenging. He finally broke down and gave in when she threatened to never make pumpkin pancakes for him ever again.

Ominis leaned back against the counter with his arms crossed and rewarded her with a hint of a smile. "Darling, you were the reason I managed to get an E. You never gave up on me and were more than relentless with your study habits."

"But still! It would have been easy for you to just give up and pull..." Andromeda lowered her voice and continued, "My father knows the headmaster, and none of this actually matters..."

"Oh for, Salazar's sake, do I really sound like that?"

Andromeda set his results aside and laughed. "Hmm. Not anymore, but it does bring back memories." She stepped into his arms with her cheek pressed against his chest and lured him into a hug. "I'm so proud of you."

"You're not the only one." Ominis rested his chin on top of her head. "I'm amazed that you managed to get an E in history of magic despite me having to talk you down from a mental breakdown until you took the exam."

"I only passed that damn class because you were the only one that was willing to stay up late with me to go over that endless mountain of material."

Andromeda felt his chest vibrate as Ominis chuckled and pressed his lips to the crown of her head. They stayed still like this, holding each other, enjoying the quiet moment.

The final day of summer term had stumbled upon them. Soon Andromeda and Ominis will be back at Hogwarts and fall back into the routine of academics and studying along with reuniting with their friends. Due to their early departure the following day, they spent the morning packing their belongings into their suitcases. Andromeda was excited to go back not only to see her friends and to move further along with her classes but to finally start her research on Isidora Morganach.

However, there was a part of her that wished they could stay put for a little bit longer. She has grown accustomed to having Ominis with her every single day, but that will soon change once they are back at school. Andromeda loved waking up in the mornings with Ominis curled up at her side, reading to him by the fireplace in the evenings, or taking long strolls by the sea.

Andromeda buried her nose into his chest with her eyes shut. Ominis cradled the back of her head and brushed his lips by her ear to ask, "What's the matter?"

She mumbled against the fabric of his shirt. "I know this is selfish, but I don't want summer to end."

"Trust me, neither do I..." Ominis carefully tilted her head back with his hands against her neck and gave her a soft kiss. "But we'll still be together. I promise that we will still have time for just the two of us. In fact, I've come to realize that I haven't taken you out on a proper date."

"Oh..." Her lips curved into a coy smile. "And might I ask what a date entails with the infamous Ominis Gaunt?"

He cupped her jaw and leaned in, lingering inches away from her mouth, and said, "I suppose you are just going to have to wait and find out..." before brushing their lips together.

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