Strawberry Jam and Ocean Air

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! Here's the next story for these two hooligans that I have grown to love! This is a summer series so it will be shorter than the first story (I estimate it will be around ten chapters but you never know.) I am wrapping up classes so I should have more time in the future to write but I am excited to bring this story to those that have stayed around.

Enjoy! :)

"Ominis! It's almost time to wake up. We're nearly there..."

Their carriage was finally coming down to a descent after being in the air for a few hours. With her eyes closed, Andromeda inhaled slowly through her nose and smelled a hint of salt in the air. A flock of seagulls flew by the window into the direction of the sea. She glanced down at the sleeping boy in her lap and smiled as she observed his peaceful facial expression. It was not long into their flight that Ominis became drowsy and began to doze off. Fortunately, it did not take much convincing to move him into a more comfortable position.

Ominis stirred slightly and turned to burrow closer into her stomach, causing her to let out a giggle. He mumbled, "Just five more minutes..." with his mouth pushed against the light material of her dress.

Andromeda shook her head while her hand stroked through his hair. "You literally said that five minutes ago. I'm beginning to wonder if the tale of Sleeping Beauty is somehow based on you. There are quite a few similarities."

He gave her a low grunt and gradually sat up, rubbing the sleep away from his face. "I haven't the faintest idea of what you are talking about because I have never heard such a thing. Is this another one of your muggle fairy tales?"

"I'm sure I still have my collection of them somewhere at home. Perhaps I will indulge you by reading one to you each night."

Ominis gently grasped her chin and said, "I would thoroughly enjoy that..." before brushing their lips together into a kiss. "I apologize for being a poor travel companion. It seems I have slept for almost the entirety of our journey."

"It's alright. It allowed me to gaze upon you without interruption since you love to constantly remind me that despite not being able to see, you can tell when I'm staring at you."

"It doesn't help that you make it obvious, my dear. You get all quiet, and I can sense when your eyes are looking right at me..."

"Hmm..." Andromeda slightly pouted. "I thought as your girlfriend I was given the privilege to stare at such a handsome gentleman without any limitations."

"Cheeky, are we?" Ominis was about to draw her into another kiss when the carriage suddenly lurched forward as it hit the ground and came to a halt once it was pulled in front of a stone cottage. Andromeda immediately bounced to her feet and opened the door to poke her head out.

They were finally here.


After being away for almost a year, everything seemed to be left untouched. There was still chipped paint on the wooden gate, vines were overgrown across the stone walls and twisted around the chimney. The flower beds were filled with a plethora of vibrant flowers and plants in full bloom.

It was almost like her home was stuck in time as if she never departed for Hogwarts in the first place.

Andromeda pulled herself back in and looked over at Ominis. "This is it. Are you certain that you are ready?"

Ominis stood up and reached for her arm, trailing his hand down to grab hers into a hold. "I've been ready since the morning you asked for me to stay with you."

Andromeda led him out into the open and withdrew her wand to retrieve their luggage from the back of the carriage. As soon as the luggage rack was empty, the door of the carriage slammed shut and the thestrals disappeared into the sky. Ominis had his wand in his hand and carefully stepped around Andromeda as he made sense of his surroundings. "Are you certain that it is safe for me to have my wand out? I rather not want to know what happens if a muggle comes unannounced..."

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