Frisk: "Ew, that guy smelled." She unplugs her nose. "Ew, this place smells!"

Ben: "This must be an abandoned section of the lab or something."

Chara: "Then there's probably something really bad down here if the whole place is abandoned."

The humans start waking down the hall, reading several digital screens.

Ben: "Those entries said something about SOULs and the barrier. Whatever experiment she did, she was trying to find a way out of the Underground."

Frisk: "And it said she found something from the human SOULs. Something that kept the SOULs in tact even after the humans had died."

Chara: "But something must've gone wrong. Otherwise, monsters would've left the Underground by now."

The humans enter another room, a large door with four dim lights on it.

Ben picks up another note on the ground. It said something about "elevator" and "lost power" and "enter the center door".

Ben: "Okay, it seems we need to power the door. Let's look around to see if we can find anything."

The group takes the path left, and they find another entry from Alphys.

Frisk: "Fallen down? What does that mean?"

Chara: "It basically means the monsters are terminally ill and, as it said, would turn to dust eventually."

Ben: "And Alphys was trying to put that stuff she took from the human SOULs and put them into the monsters. But what did she take?"

Chara: "Not sure. But if we find more entries,
I'm sure the puzzle will solve itself."

The group enters the next room, with three operating tables. for some reason the room is a bit foggy. Having felt uneasy, Frisk grabs onto Ben's hand, who returns the favor and grabs hers back.

Chara: "The entry says that the monsters didn't die. So wherever she put in worked, just not as she intended."

Ben: "So instead of making their souls last after death, she made them last, keeping them from dying?"

Chara: "Seems that way. She's also not writing as....well as she was before."

Frisk looks over at the operating table, placing her hand on it. But she immediately retracts it after feeling a sticky substance on the table.

Frisk: "Ew." She shakes the stuff off her hand, before wiping it on her sweater. "That's just disgusting."

Ben turns his attention to the operating table, spotting the white and sticky substance.

Ben: "This is an operating table. Why would it be sticky?"

Chara: "Beats me." She shrugs. "Your guess is as good as mine."

Frisk: "What if...." She trails off, the other two looking at her. "What if by forcing them to stay stay alive, Alphys made it so they started melting?"

Ben and Chara look back at the operating table, grim looks on their faces.

Chara: "That is....morbid."

Ben: "Let's hope that's not the case. Anyway, we should keep going."

They travel across the room, eventually finding another door to the right of them along with several sinks. They push open the door, finding an empty room with a note on the floor and a keyhole on the wall.

The Alien Hero of the Underground (Ben 10 X Undertale)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora