Chapter 8: Espionage

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The next day in the morning Fort was walking around the port in his casual attire (his naval grey camo) and passed by multiple shipgirls and were actively avoiding him but he paid it no mind. He then saw Angel walking with Hornet, San Diego, And Unicorn talking with each other

Angel then see's him and cheerfully waved at him. He waved back as he approached them

Angel: So what happened last night? Did you rescue them?

Fort: Yeah ambushed by a siren fleet and there have been new types of siren ships popping up.

Hornet: New classes of ships? What were they like.

Fort: i'll tell you later at the meeting so be there

Unicorn: what happened out there big brother

Fort: whoa! Why big brother all of a sudden

San Diego: Oh. She just calls everyone like that either big-sis or bro

Fort: Ah ok. *turns to Unicorn* nothing too dangerous though

Unicorn: I see

Angel: well see you then at the meeting

She said as they left. Fort then continued walking around the port and saw Ning-Hai and Ping-Hai on a stand with "Panda Sweets" written on it. Curious and a bit hungry as he hasn't had breakfast yet. He approached the stand and saw Enterprise and Belfast nearby eating one

Ping-Hai then noticed him approaching

Ping-Hai: Hello there how may i help you

Fort: So this is what you were up to. By the way how was your sister.

Ping-Hai had a confused look and continued to stare at Fort until Belfast spoke up.

Belfast: Oh he was the one who wore black when we rescued you. And the one to hold the rear guard

Ping-Hai: O-oh your the one that rescued us. Thank you truly. Here have one

She then gave him one of the sweets that looked like a panda

Fort: O-oh i don't have any money though

Ping-Hai: Don't worry it's my way of saying thanks

Fort: thank you

He then proceeds to eat the sweet

*Later at the command building*

In the Command building we can see Wales, QE, Hornet, Enterprise, Belfast, Vestal, Ning-Hai, Ping-Hai and Cleveland along with the two giant ships turned humans in the meeting room

Wales: so what happened to you two how did you get ambushed

Ning-Hai: we have detected an anomaly in the pacific. The sirens were assembling a large fleet but we were'nt sure

Ping-Hai: So the dragon empery sent us to investigate. We were going to the location but we encountered a high class siren and a fleet

Hornet: You mean the high class sirens are up to something

She said as she ate another panda sweet

Ning-Hai: i am afraid so

Wales: this is concerning the sirens are getting more bold

Enterprise: Do you think this is connected to Sakura empire allying with the sirens

Belfast: maybe but were not sure

Angel: were going to need spy on them to figure out what's happening

Queen Elizabeth then puffs up her chest and speaks up

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