Chapter 4: Attack on Hornets fleet

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Fort: The pleasure's mine

Fort then lets go of her hand and looks toward the base which was filled with crashed siren planes and sinking ships both human and siren

Fort: damn they did a number on your base

Enterprise: they did

She said as she walked beside him

Enterprise: i will now go and make emergency repairs. I will leave you to your own devices

She said as she jumps down and heads to the port

Angel then arrived sailing her gigantic carrier beside the enormous battleship

Angel: quite a hit they took

Fort: yeah let's go help em

Both Fort and Angel then proceed to go into the port while ship girls are being rescued they gawked at the sheer size of their ships

San Diego: Whoa so huge!

Angel then accidentally hits San Diego's ship with a loud thud

San Diego: MY SHIP!

Angel: Sorry about that let me help

Angel then uses the giant deployable cranes on the starboard side of her ship to lift San Diego's burning ship out of the water. Revealing dozens of holes and cracks on her hull and a missing turret

San Diego: my ship

She said as she fell to her knees and started crying. Two other shipgirls approached her and started comforting her

Angel then continued to assist by lifting sinking destroyers or light cruisers out of the water to prevent them from sinking

Fort however went to the port assess the situation he walked past multiple shipgirls running around to help with the rescue and rebuilding effort

The passing shipgirls looked at him as they ran past but their task more important than meeting him

He then saw 2 unknown girls standing by a ford model T

He then approached them quietly they were talking

Wales: Eagle Union's Enterprise...
She truly saved us this time

Illustrious: Yes but she is unsafe... she is strong. She has no hesitation like an arrow flying through the air

Wales: But... A tightly strung bow can easily snap

She said as Javelin and Laffey approached the port and jumped on it and proceeded to de-materialize their riggings

Javelin: Im glad everyone seems to be okay.

She then looks at Laffey lying on the ground face first

Javelin: Wait Laffey are you okay!

She said worried

Laffey: Too sleepy

Javelin: come on Laffey dont sleep here

She said as she rolled Laffey upright and picked her up holding her arm Prince Of Wales, Illustrious and unicorn approached them still oblivious to the 7 foot tall black figure behind them

Unicorn: Javelin, Laffey

She said as she ran to them

Javelin: Unicorn are you okay? Are you hurt?

Unicorn: I'm fine thank you

Hood: both of you did well you saved us

This got Javelins attention and looked at them she also saw Fort walking behind them and was about to question them until

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