Chapter 3: Attack on Azur Lane

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Angel: guys im picking up something

Fort: what is it

Angel: i'll play it on my speakers

???: this is the Azur Lane base we are under attack! Repeat we are under attack to any ships nearby please send reinforcements! Sirens are closing in

Fort: Azur... Lane?

Cleve: That's Pearl! In this world it's called Azur Lane

Angel: let's go help them then. Here talk to them

Angel then summons a radio unit and gives the mic to Cleveland as Hood came out of the battleship hearing the distress signal

Cleve: Cleveland reporting in we are in route to the base. We will be there in 1 hour

Hood: 1 hour it's impossible and in heavily damaged i don't have the ability to fight

Cleve: i know that's why we have him

She then points at fort

Cleve: he is the fastes strongest most heavily armed battleship i've met defeating the sirens are going to be easy with him

???: Cleveland? Good then come quick i see sakura empire ships

Fort: sakura empire?

Cleve: its japan but aah! we need to get going so go into overdrive

Fort: ok then but hold in to something im faster than before. Angel lets go!

Both their ships went into overdrive with the telltale sign of a giant jet of flame coming from their smokestacks. They accelerated quickly to 83 knots

Cleve: WHOOOO! You are faster! It's like when you towed me back in '43'

Hood: whoa!

She almost stumbled due to the quick acceleration

Fort: Hey angel! Start launching planes now and i want you to hang back im going to need you

Angel: ok how many planes?

Fort: yes

Angel: ok then step-bro

Fort then sighs in annoyance but smiles as she begins slightly slowing down. He then turns towards Cleveland and Hood

Fort: how is Laffey doing?

Hood: she is alright she is sleeping

Fort: just wake her up before the battle we don't want her flying around in the medbay during battle

Hood cast a worried glance at Fort but Cleveland quickly spoke up

Cleveland: Haha don't worry Hood just do as he says and Laffey will be alright... hehe like old times

Fort: sure is

*45 munites later*

The Azur lane base was in sight but there were dozens upon dozens of black pillars of smoke on the horizon

Fort: is that pearl?

Cleve: yeah i hope they're okay

Fort: anyway Hood wake up Laffey

Hood then nodded and went down to his ship

Fort: ok now Cleve before we get there i want you all to hop off my ship and re-group with your Azur Lane friends. And keep Laffey safe alright

Cleveland then did a military salute to fort and then said

Cleve: Roger that! Big Bro

Fort then chuckled and gave her a firm pat on the head. Hood then came out of his ship as he removed his hand from Cleveland's head much to her dismay

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