(5) The Man that "Did Not" Cry Shadow

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*The Sun Rises peacefully over the coast of California as the scene switches from the Sun shining on the hotel.

*The loud sisters were peacefully asleep... Lincoln somehow woke up pretty early... And decided to go downstairs and workout, besides if he wants to look good for the ladies he's got to have a little bit of muscle, right?*
*After That, The Louds Met up in one dining room for breakfast*

Lynn Sr: Good Morning, everybody. How is everybody doing this morning?

Everyone Else: Shh... *Some of the girls point to Me and Lily still sleeping, which for some reason I don't know how lily was able to snuggle into my arms while I was sleeping, They even heard me lightly snoring too*

Lynn Sr: Sorry... My bad guys. Anyway how's everybody doing.

Lincoln: I got a good workout in.. because I know I need a little bit of muscle before we go meet the contestants later Today.

Lynn Sr: Yeah.

Lynn Jr: What kind of workouts did you do?

Lincoln: probably a few push-ups and a slow jog on the treadmill, as well as a few curls with a dumbbells.

Lynn Jr: Seems Like a good exercise set to me, Especially for you.

Lincoln: Thanks. *Lincoln and Lynn Jr share a Fist Bump, follow by Lynn Jr pulling down Lincoln's pajamas, and Lincoln giving Lynn Jr a noogie, the two share a very good laugh after that.*

*I wake up slowly with a smile at the sunrise, Yawning deeply and lightly scratching my butt, I got up to get a Shower, but everyone reacted to my body style and I was jacked, some even dropped their jaws*

Me: What? Can You Stop Staring!? *I walked over to the shower and got myself dried off afterwards, Then Lincoln Got one as well*


*At Noon, At This Location*

*The Two Limos arrived at this area

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*The Two Limos arrived at this area.*

*And Lincoln was dressed in a Sharp Blue Polo and Black Pants, I Was dressed in a Black Blazer and Black Pants*

*We open the door, and we were greeted by the director and staff*

Director: Afternoon Lincoln, Slept well?

Lincoln: Yes Sir, I Did.

Director: Glad to hear it, You and Your Family can come in and make yourselves at home, The Competitors are in another room having a chat, I may have told them about you already, Some of them may have been bickering about you or for you.

Lincoln: Am I Really that Attractive?

Director: I Have No Clue, Do please Come in, Sorry for that topic.

*Lincoln and The Rest Come in*

*Lincoln and I Come in and follow the director while the rest of the Louds Settle in, as the parents read the rules while they are at the mansion, The Louds should behave while at the main location for this season.

*After We got settled, Lincoln went to the bathroom, that wasn't until he heard talking, It sounded like Multiple Girls talking, and not in a respectful way*

???: ...I can't believe that the Guy we are competing for is Lincoln Loud of all people...

???: Oh C'mon, He isn't the worst guy to be here.

???: ...Clearly you are blind.

???: Oh Yeah?? Look me Straight in the Eye and Say Lincoln is the worst.

???: He... Isn't "The Worst" but I just don't like him... Ever since he embarrassed me in front of the school with that photo!

???: Oh, well... Here is a weird story for you. I heard rumors that he embarrassed himself for his sister's, only for him to be given a trophy for making things "right."

???: Hmph...

???: Not Enough? How about the time Lincoln hated his sister's for not loving him properly.

???: Families have their differences all the time, Just stop trying to convince me that, That white haired buck toothed unmanly pig has chang-

*Interrupted by Lincoln Kicking the door open, All girls were not so shocked, Christina was shocked, Lincoln heard everything she said!?*

Christina: ...hi...

Lincoln: Nice to see you too, Christina. *Slams the door* Loser.

*After that, Christina got triggered and swung the door open and Boldly kisses Lincoln on the Lips out of surprise, Then Lincoln rams Both Christina and Himself into the Wall, Lincoln Shoves Christina off of him*

Lincoln: You don't deserve my heart.

Christina: Wha-!?

Lincoln: Oh, and about that photo of us!? I ripped it. In the Paper Shredder. GONE.

Christina: I heard you the first time.

Lincoln: Oh Really, Mrs. Bitterheart Red-head?

Christina: Hey I'am no different than the latina that has pulled down your pants countless times... How is she still here!?

Ronnie Anne: Excuse Me!?

*Ronnie Anne and Christina are now standing nose to nose Bickering, I come in the doorway, And I Pull out a megaphone as the girls not bickering covered their ears in advance.*

*Followed by a Loud...*


*Ronnie Anne and Christina stopped as they were shocked, flustered, and agitated because of the megaphone*

Ronnie Anne: What the Heck!??

Christina: Was that Necessary!?

Me: Don't you test me, Young lady... I'm one of Lincoln's Big Brother figures... And if there's so much as a situation, that discourages Lincoln while he is here... Even if it is an argument between the two of you or any one of you girls "infront of him..." I will make sure all of you are sent home. Without a refund! Do I make myself clear?

All Girls: Yes Sir?

Me: Hmph... *I walk away with a smile because I don't expect them to know who I am, they at least heard me loud and clear*

Lincoln: *sigh* Christina, A Word... Now!

*Christina reluctantly gets up from receipt and walks with Lincoln into another room, where Lincoln sees Lana and Lola*

Lincoln: Ho bisogno di questa stanza per un po', per favore.

*Lana and Lola tilted their heads in confusion and so did Christina*

Lincoln: *grumbles* I need this room for a bit, please.

*Lana and Lola nod their heads and close the door behind them*


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