(3) Agoura Hills, California

144 3 0

*A Week Later, On An Airplane about to take off*

*I was doing my best to breathe calmly cuz I've never been on a plane in a long time, It's a good thing Lincoln wanted the window seat*


*30 Minutes Later*

*The Plane got in the Air 25 Minutes Ago and Lincoln was fast asleep but was twitching a little.*

*Lincoln's dream*

Lincoln: ...Why should I choose? All of you Girls are special just the way you are... *The Girls Are not shown what they look like because they have masks on, But then shadows start stirring around the unknown location where Lincoln is at; And Then... A Blur from Far Away looks to be coming closer and not in a good way*

???: Lincoln... *Morag's Voice* *Then The Shadow Zooms down to Lincoln to Attack, And that was when the dream ended*

*Lincoln wakes up exclaiming in fear, I wake up as well seeing him awake*

Me: What's going on? Are you okay?

Lincoln: ...I had a nightmare... And I'm already praying that it does not affect this vacation.

Me: Do you want to tell me about it later or now?

Lincoln: Morag...

Me: I do not know that name...

Lincoln: She and Her Bloodline were against the louds for generations, Our Family took a Trip down to Scotland and I was Crowned Duke For a Short Amount of Time that wasn't until we decided to our butler Angus who has been a loyal and faithful ally to the louds and to Scotland.

Me: And You Worry that Morag is not Finished yet?

Lincoln: I Do, But as I said, I am praying it doesn't affect the entire vacation.

Me: Well, I promised to your family that I will keep you safe, That will not change.

Lincoln: Thanks.. Can I Cuddle With You?

Me: Umm... Sure. *I Lift my Left Arm Rest, allowing him to lay his head on my lap and Lean his body against the seat itself while laying on his side, And I Rest my arm around his body ensuring his protection*

 *I Lift my Left Arm Rest, allowing him to lay his head on my lap and Lean his body against the seat itself while laying on his side, And I Rest my arm around his body ensuring his protection*

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*Looks Similar to this*


*After One Minute He falls back to sleep, Lynn Sr and Rita were seeing this and were a bit concerned... They sure hope that Morag isn't going to ruin this moment for Lincoln*

*The Rest Of the Ride to California was Smooth, as Lincoln was greeted by Many Reporters with numerous questions*

*It wasn't easy to get past them, But we did.*


*That was when we were greeted by the Producer/Director of the Dream Boat*

*P.S. I don't know what their names are exactly so I'm calling them either producer or director*

Director: Lincoln Loud.

Lincoln: Yes Sir?

Director: Nice to meet you in person. *He shakes Lincoln's hand, The girls were excited to meet the director of their favorite show, But the director barely glimpses at them and doesn't look in their direction after that, Because they're a little "too excited" to meet him.*

Lincoln: I must apologize ahead about my sister's, They really like your show.

Director: It is not the first time, My Boy... I fear I am rightfully annoyed by it by now... *Clears Throat* Anyway, Let's get you settled in. Oh, Who is This?

Me: Joshua Fair, Sir; not really a fan... I'm just here to help Lincoln as a Right Hand Man.

Director: Very Good, Very Good. Nice to meet you, Mr. And Mrs. Loud. Nice to meet you two as well. *They shook his hand, and after alot of questions answered, Lincoln was able to ride in the limo with me, the director, and a few other helpers for the show; The Rest of the Louds rode together in another Limo behind them.*

Me: So how far apart are the actual scenes being combined, To the Actual first episode released date.

Director: Until Almost the Whole Season is Filmed. There were not many girls that signed up to this competition. One of them that signed up is told to be very sweet... Not making any promises though.

Me: Never planned on it, Yet.

Lincoln: These Girls... Are they close to my age range?

Director: We made sure to not to gather girls that were too old or way too young, So Yes. but keep in mind, Some of them are a little older by at least 2-5 years old, Same with the younger ones by at least 1-3 years old.

Lincoln: This is gonna be one heck of an Adventure.

Director: It Sure Is.

*We stop at the Hotel, Hampton Inn & Suites*

*Everyone got settled, The Director didn't order a room because he already has a home nearby; Lincoln and I Decided to stay in One Room while The Girls Stayed together in a Second Room and The Parents Stayed in Another; but they struck a deal with the director and made sure that the rooms were connected.*

Director: Well... This will be your home away from home for at least 4 Weeks. The filming for the season takes a while, so I'm sorry if the number of days you're staying here kind of scares you.

Lincoln: At least you explained it, Question, how soon will I be meeting these "competitors?"

Director: First thing, 2 Days From Now at Noon. No pressure though... At least enjoy your time here in California. Not many people like you get this opportunity.

Lincoln: That's True, Thank You Sir.

Director: Oh... I should give you this. *Gives Lincoln a Sheet of Any Concerns Answered Ahead*


If You Have Any Concerns or Problems... Here is what you would want to know👇

1. Is Sex Required? - No, And It Is Recommended we don't video tape those scenes, by request or by force, that and we would get sued for inappropriately placed footage or content displayed that is not for people under 18 years old.

2. Will the Locations be secure from any shootings or cases of abuse, mentally or physically? - Yes, We spoke with our Highest Level Security Guards and made sure that there is no manipulation of any kind from outside of the season filming area.

3. Should Your Family Take part in the Filming? - It depends on how well behaved they are and if they give advice of any kind that will discourage you, they are to be warned, a certain number of warnings and we will send your family back to their home location under the supervision of one of your guardians while one or the other of your choice stays.

Have A Good Day, And We hope you enjoy your time here in California.


Lincoln: Thank You, Sir.

Director: You're welcome, Well, I best be on my way, my wife is calling me and I got to take care of the kids.

Lincoln: Alright, Drive Safe.

Director: Will do, Champ.

*The director closes the door behind him, as everybody settles in*


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