8. Sweets // Cole

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In-between the Ninja going on missions, you manage to convince your best friend Cole to come to your bakery and teach him how to make anything but chocolate bricks. Turns out you had no idea how tight the tension was between you two.


• Baker!Reader

• Reader is Oblivious

• Cole is Oblivious

• Confusing Relationship

• Cole is confused

• Baking

•Reader is antisocial

•Established Friendship

---requested from Diederzilla, hope you enjoy!

++Feel Free to Request a one shot in Comments or in my Discord!++


He needed a distraction. You knew that much. As soon as you got the news of him being back from whatever magic quest he was on, you called him. And he sounded so tired, and done.

So, you convinced him to come to your little bakery after closing, and just cool down. And now you were walking up to your small shop, seeing the large frame of your best friend, Cole Brookstone.

"Cole!" You waved, reaching forward to pull him into a warm hug. "I missed you!"

He chuckled low, resting his forehead on your shoulder. "..I missed you too, Y/n." Pulling back, he grinned. You could barely make out his face in the dim light, the streetlights not illuminated yet.

Turning to unlock the old wooden door, you smirked, shaking your head. "Where'd your crew take you now? Wait- lemme guess, evil cult under the city, or defeating that kid's dad again?"

Cole stepped in beside you, scoffing. "Remember those fire snakes that attacked the east district last week? Weirdly got sent to an ice realm 'cause of them and almost froze to death.. usual stuff, you know."

You flicked the light on, stepping behind the counter and into the kitchen, motioning for him to follow you. "Of course, the usual stuff. Here," you handed him a spare apron, "now, are we baking cupcakes, brownies, cake.. or whatever else you have planned?"

Sucking his teeth, he widened his eyes. "I was supposed to bake something?! I thought you had the recipes.. I have no idea how to bake like.. any of those things." He finished tying his apron, hitting his head against the wall.

"Oh really? For someone who loves sweets as much as you, I assumed you knew how to, just out of shear determination." You shrugged, pulling several cookbooks down.

Hitting your arm with the back of his hand, Cole rolled his eyes. "The old man I live with has the pantry under lock and key. I don't think he's ever touched sugar.. think he was alive before sliced bread..."

With a laugh, you bumped his hip, flipping through the first book. "You ever heard of Betty Crocker?" Pointing to a starlight yellow cake, you smiled. "You'd like this one."

He scrunched his nose. "No..? Yellow cake? Aren't all vanilla cakes yellow? What does yellow taste like???"

You huffed, reaching around him to set up a mixer. "It's just another name for vanilla, cool your jets. You doing alright now?"

"Mhm." He hummed, glancing down at you. "I'm okay now I'm with you." He had a lopsided grin on his face.

Waving him off, you turned the tap, scrubbing your hands. "Watch your hands first, you don't need germs in your cake."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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