03 | marigold

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this is the first time i'm writing a character like miliani and im horrible at it lmao

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this is the first time i'm writing a character like miliani and im horrible at it lmao

Damon helped his daughter into the house as Stefan took Elena home. She was completely silent on the way home and that scared him. What terrified him more was how she let Elena cling to her hand for comfort the entire ride home without a word. She looked pale, almost like a dying person and he feared he'd lose her.

At this point, he was carrying her heels in her hands and her entire body in the other. He was too worried about his daughter, he didn't notice the other presence in the room until they spoke.

"Your taste in liquor is abysmal," the witch said, sipping from her cup of cheap whiskey Damon kept around. Miliani let out a yelp as her father whipped his head around, almost dropping her from the shock.

"What are you doing here, Marigold?" He asked, keeping his voice calm. On the inside, he was shaking. Was she here to take his daughter away? He would fight to the death.

She sighed while examining the young girl, and how sick she looked. "Please let your daughter sit before she falls over. I'm not here to hurt you," she told him with a wave of her hand. Damon waited for a moment, studying the witch before allowing Miliani to lie down.

Marigold watched as he tucked a pillow under her head and threw a blanket over her before turning to the witch. She gave him a bright smile, still in love with the Vampire - not that she would admit it out loud. Seventeen years later, still pinning for the man.

"Why are you here? I need to figure out why she's sick. How is even possible for her to get sick," Damon snapped, his mind racing while he paced back and forth. Miliani tried to grab onto his pants for him to stop but failed. It was making her nauseous. The witch paid no mind to his temper.

Before answering she poured herself another drink. "She's sick because you drove a stake into her soulmate," Marigold nonchalantly threw out there. Damon stopped in his tracks.

"I'm sorry?" He said looking at her as if she said the sky was really green instead of blue.

"Elijah is one of four of your daughter's soulmates. The other three are his brothers which includes the man who wants to kill Elena," Marigold said, watching the man carefully. He stopped in his tracks and she could see the gears in his head turning.

Damon turned to her, his eyes almost black. "What do I need to do to save my daughter?"

It took her by surprise. "Is the Damon Salvatore going to let the woman he loves die?" She taunted with a raise of an eyebrow. She blinked and he was right in front of her, seething.

"I would do anything to save her. The others will come up with a plan to kill Klaus to save Elena. I need a way to protect her," Damon barked turning to look at Miliani who groaned, pulling the blanket over her head.

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