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3rd person pov

Lana was dressed in a light blue flare, lace trim dress, with matching light blue heels, her hair was curly, half of it was up with a light blue bow

Her and Cesar walked into the dance hand-in-hand, apparently Jamal was on watch duty of the students and hallways

No one was kissing, grinding on each other, or no hands were low

Lana and Cesar were dancing when Ruby came over, "What do you guys think? Should we go first or last?"

"I dont think it'll matter because Lana and I have this thing in the bag" Cesar smiled as Lana laughed

"You dont think we can pull this off?"

"You're a bad dancer, Cesar" she smiled kissing him

"Cesar, Buddy, you dont wanna bring more attention to yourself by dancing. You already got enough with that jacket. Which brings me to my next question, what is that jacket?" Ruby asked as Jamal came over screaming

"Yo! Bruce looks good on you, bruh!" Jamal smiled hugging Cesar, "Ugh! You named this?"

"So you're the one to blame for this eyesore?" Monse asked referring to Cesar's jacket

"Dont listen to him. He's not fashion forward" Jamal said dancing

"When exactly did you purchase this jacket?

"Well... back when it was my cheddar, i shredded off a little of it. But, now it's our gouda, i haven't sliced off a dime-sized piece of that feta!"

"Turner!" Coach yelled coming over

"I'm on break, Ronald!" Jamal said turning to him

"There are no breaks when there are teenage boys trying to stick it in. I misplaced my phone. Check the office" he said passing the keys to Jamal

Coach came closer before laughing once he noticed Cesar's jacket, "I'm happy to know someone wont be sticking it in tonight. Not with that jacket" he laughed, as Lana began to laugh with him

Cesar groaned before taking the jacket off

"Ladies and gents, all ready to get this dance competition started?" the DJ asked as everyone cheered

Everyone was dancing one second, and the next Jamal and Coach stood in front of everyone

"Someone has stole my phone. That same someone is the reason you are no longer having fun. This individual has five seconds to return my phone. If they return my phone before i get to five-" Coach said as Jamal held up his hand

"-the dance can continue. If not, the night is canceled. Now im gonna turn around, so i dont even know who did it" Coach said turning around

"One!" he said as Jamal held up one finger staring at everyone

"Two!" he said, Jamal holding up another finger

"Three! I better start hearing movement" he said as Jamal threw up another finger

"Four!" he said as Jamal made a face adding another finger, "Oh! Dont let me get to five!

"Dont let him" Jamal mouthed shaking his head

"Four and a half!" Coach yelled, Jamal looked confused before putting up half his thumb

"Five!" Coach yelled turning around, "Cowards!" Jamal yelled pointing at everyone

"All of you!" he added

"Loser" Tyrone mouth to Jamal

"This is how you wanna play it? We can play it that way" he said as Jamal chuckled jumping a little

"Ive got the human find-my-phone app" Coach said pointing at Jamal, who did a little spin

"Jamal, do your thing"

"Oh!" Jamal nodded before grabbing his phone out and calling coach, everyone looked around as they heard his phone going off

"Oh. Oh. Oh" Jamal said walking over to Tyrone, "Oh, shit" Tyrone shook his head once Jamal grabbed Coach's phone from his pocket

"Tyrone, my office, now!" Coach yelled before smiling, "Resume the dance" he turned leaving as Jamal began to dance

"Next up, everybody make some noise for The Great Jasby" the DJ said as everyone cheered

Jasmin and Ruby had changed into matching outfit as they began to dance, everyone was clapping and cheering for them from start to finish

"Did he just-"

"He did" Cesar nodded, him and Lana staring at Ruby who just kissed Jasmin mouth agape

And then she grabbed him by the face and began to make out with him

"And we have a winner! The Great Jasby has just won the $50 gift card to... Chili's!!" he said as everyone cheered

"Guys! Guys! If we play our cards right, we can stretch this out to two dinner. Four meals if we order off the kid's menu and we dont tip. But that's up to you. We won!" Jasmin smiled excitedly

"Hey!" Jamal yelled pointing at someone

"All right. All right. All right. Freeridge High! It's time to take it old school!" the DJ yelled as "Changes" began to play

Lana felt her her sped up, she looked over at Ruby only to realize she was back at Olivia's birthday, turning back around only to see Latrelle

Her breathing began to pick up as she watched him raise the gun and pull the trigger

Her hands began to shake as she put it over her stomach, she looked down feeling herself choke as she started at the blood on her hand

"Lana!" Olivia yelled, she looked over to see it over again Olivia lying on the floor, Aubilta above her

"Call 911! Call 911!" her mom yelled

"La-lana" Ruby sobbed out, Cesar and Monse grabbing the two and dragging them out of the school, Jasmin following

Panting Lana held onto the rails as she walked down the stairs, "Here sit" Cesar said grabbing the girl, Monse was with Ruby

"Everything all right, Lana. You're safe" Cesar said pulling the girl closer

"I-i cant" Lana shook her head, her hands shaking and bloody, but she was only seeing it

"What's going on?" Jasmin asked looking at Monse, who was going to grab water

"It's the song that was playing when they were shot" Monse said running inside

"Hey, i got him" Jasmin said as Cesar nodded, Jasmin sitting between the siblings

"Hey, you're okay, baby. It's ok. You're not ready" Jasmin said crying a little

"I just wanna be myself again" Ruby cried, laying his head on her shoulder

"I need to wash my hands" Lana blurted, still feeling and seeing the blood

"You're fine, ok, just a song" Lana whispered washing her hands, "You're fine" she repeated

Hand still shaking, Lana placed her hand on the door, she opened it slightly, stopping when she heard yelling

Cesar and Monse yelling.

Set Fire To The Rain• Cesar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now