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3rd person pov

"Sounds like you're really connecting with Julia, or.. do you call her Selena?" Cesar asked looking at Monse, Lana walked between the two, she was dressed in black ripped jeans and a red cropped sweater

It was almost valentines day, so the whole school was all decorated in red and hearts

"She goes by Julia now. And she's just beyond. I mean, we have so much in common. Everything. From the same taste in music to the same taste in ice cream. Its seriously uncanny" Monse smiled 

"Almost like you're related" Lana smiled, "There's only one problem. I feel like im cheating on my dad"

"I thought you were gonna tell him last week"

"yeah, me too. But.. it just never feels like the right time"

"hey, dont be scared. You have a right to know your mom" Cesar said as Monse looked at him

"Im not scared. I'm completely aware of my rights as a kid in this vajacked situation and I'm not let anyone make me feel. Ok, im scared. But you're one to talk to Jamal and tell him to back off?" Monse asked as Cesar and Lana looked at each other

"I did. Lana and I re-did her room, and we both finally got a good night sleep" Cesar smiled putting his arm around her waist

"But the only downside is Jamal still think's im staying with him, i feel bad, but i gotta tell him" Cesar shrugged as Monse nodded, "Did you know he had bags of scum?"

"Hermano!" someone yelled as the three turned to see Jamal waving, "Oh, my God" Cesar whispered

"Herrrrrrr-mano!" Jamal dragged out, coming over and putting his arm around Cesar

"Aw, Cesar, i can get your ticket if you  need a second" Lana smiled at him, "Great, good idea" Cesar kissed her before walking off

"Ill join you! Ruby, buy my ticket" Jamal said before walking off

"Why are you line?" Lana asked looking at her brother, "You going to the dance?"

"Hells yeah! Im ready to be my old self again. So dont be skurred"

"Of what?" Lana scoffed, "Three, please" Lana smiled passing the girl money, as she gave her three tickets, Lana handing one to Monse 

"Of my exceptional dance moves. I'm gonna win that competition" he said grabbing money from his pocket, "Save your money. Your tickets been taken care of" Jasmin smiled holding up a ticket

"It has? By who?"

"That's a great question. You three.. follow me" she smiled, the three looked at each other but followed her anyway

The four walked into the gym only to see about 10 girls lined up, "After deep-diving through your Insta liked and cataloging your crushes over the years these ladies have all met your pre-reqs. On a scale of one to freak, these girls are all a pinky deep. While some of them are here for the wrong reasons, they all want a shot..." Jasmin trialed off as she looked at Lana and Ruby

"Uh, sorry, chance to be your date to the Valentine's dance"

"This is disgusting! Ruby, Lana, lets get-"

"To our seats!" Lana said cutting her off, "Dont be rude, Monse!" Ruby added

"I wanna see which sucker ends up with him, plus Jasmin made us placards" Lana smiled as they went and sat down

"And to make sure nobody felt uncomfortable, I invited Monse, the least sexual person at our school" Jasmin said before sitting next to Lana

"You want me to judge these girls?"

"Hell, no. Ruby, Lana and I are doing the judging. Your clipboard is so you can take notes, as to what a girl's supposed to look and act like. Contestants! Are you ready?"



"You're calling them contestants?" Monse asked looking at Jasmin

"What? They like it. Write this down, "Girls are competitive"

Lana stood up, "If anyone's here because they want to touch Ruby's bullet wound, get the fuck out now" she smiled sitting down, one of the girls put her head down and left

"And then there were nine" Jasmin smirked 

"Ok, first up, Mia and Ellie. If you think they look alike, it's because they're..." Jasmin gasped, "identical twins. Best part, if one breaks down, you got a backup. Next! Margarita, my girl! She's funny, she's smart, and if all of that's not true.. her boobs!"

"Are any of them good dancers?" Ruby asked looking at Jasmin

 "Oh, you wanna move towards the dance part of the competition? I figured we'd weed out a few, but.. Ok, ladies', you heard the man! Dance!" Jasmin yelled before playing some music

All the girls began to dance... horribly, Monse reached over and turned the music off

"Im sorry. This is the best i could do under such short notice"

"Ok, this is disgusting and uncomfortable. I'm leaving. And if anyone else if feeling objectified, they should leave too. Anybody?" Monse asked as the girls just looked at her and didnt move 

"Anybody? Anybody?" she sighed

"Monse, make sure to shit the door before you go, ok? The AC is spilling out and these ladies are already perspiring. Bye!" Jasmin smiled as Monse left

"Ok, ladies. Y'all feel safe, right?"



"Respected as women?"



"Great. Claudia? Can you just point out to Lana, Ruby and I how far you're willing to go? You know, base wise?" Jasmin smiled holding up a picture of a baseball field 

Jasmin gasped once Claudia was done, "Home run!"

"Oh, ew. I'm leaving" Lana scrunched her face in disgust, grabbing her bag and leaving 

Set Fire To The Rain• Cesar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now