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'should I just kill myself again?'

Aradia thought while panting heavily, the red head had her hands on her knees for support as she couldn't even stand upright

"Alright, that is it for today; don't stay out for too long and go back to your dorms after changing"

Saying that the weaponry and sports teacher for the first year students left


Aradia mumbled under her breath before sitting down on the training ground from exhaustion

He had made all the students run ten laps around the whole academy, many had collapsed within the fourth or if lucky sixth lap, Yeon Haa had somehow managed to finish all ten laps though it took more than an hour or was it two? to do so thanks to just how large the academy is

Of course for Issac, a training maniac this was nothing that guy could probably do ten more laps and be just slightly out of breath

Aradia sighed and thought of all the things that happened prior to this class, after lunch were normal subjects like grammar, math and history after that was the last class of the day which was basically PE but on steroids

Other classes were held on different days of the week but magic and PE happened every single day

Currently the red head was waiting for Issac to return with water for them both and after that she would head back to her room

Not many people were present at the training ground, almost everyone was gone besides a few who were either chatting with one another or catching their breath like Aradia

The meeting with Astolfo, the MC was very underwhelming; the red head from her experience with isekia manhwas thought that the meeting would a lot more dramatic but she wasn't complaining

The red head sighed and looked at the sun or at least tried- it had started to set and so everything was covered with a orange hue, it looked really beautiful...

At that moment Aradia noticed someone coming her way, at first she thought it was Issac but on closer inspection she realised it was someone else

The red head couldn't tell if it was a female or male, but they had short shoulder length messy black hair and vibrant purple eyes, light freckles and a menacing grin plastered onto their face

The person came close to the red head and just stared down at her for awhile

"Um... Can I help you..?"

Aradia feeling really weirded out and uncomfortable asked this new face

"Ah! Why yes! Gave this to your older sister"

The person extended out their hand with what seemed like a letter perhaps

"You mean.. Clara?"

Aradia questioned as she accepted the letter

"Oh! Yes, of course!"

Just who was this person? Are they friends? Why did she befriend someone like... This

"Do I perhaps know you?"

"Nope! But you can if you want~"

"What's your name then"

Aradia asked, she doesn't remember anyone like this person mentioned and from what she can tell this person doesn't really seem to be friends with Clara is, so what do they want

"Hmmm I don't feel like telling you!"

The grin plastered on this person's face grew bigger as they answered

knew Life, New Chance Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum