Look at that. I've been impaled

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Sorry it's been awhile. I was busy with finals and then got discouraged from writing this due to certain things. I felt like my writing wasn't good enough and that you all deserved better than what I was putting out. But I'm back and ready to write about my favorite Robin.

~Marinette's POV~

Batman seemed to be in deep conversation with Gordon. Not wanting to wait any longer, I climbed part way down the fire escape to my right before jumping off landing perfectly.

I began walking towards the hotel when I got a call. It was Adrien. Although I didn't feel like talking or being around anyone at the moment, I answered. I knew they were worried sick about me.

"Hello," I said.

"Where the hell are you!?" Adrien yelled.

"Batman took me down to GCPD to give a statement on this afternoon's events."

"I swear to god. All you do is scare us Dupain-Cheng!" I heard Chloe yell.

"I'm on speaker aren't I?"

"When you randomly leave and don't pick up your phone, we're all gonna gather around to hear what you have to say for yourself," Nino said but his voice was faint.

"Wait, don't tell me you're by yourself," Adrien asked already knowing the answer.

"Batman was taking too long."

"I swear to... Do you want me to come get you?"

"Nah. I need fresh air. Well, as fresh of air you can get in Gotham."

"You mean the most crime ridden city?"

"So they have a couple of villains who get a kick out of harming others and some random muggers. We have the same in Paris."

"What do you mean by that?" I heard a voice say behind me.

"God damnit. Guys I have to go. One of Batman's pals found me."

"Don't you dare hang up," Chloe said.

"Sorry. I'll see you soon." I quickly hung up my phone and put it on silent.

"Which one is it now?" I asked turning around to see Red Robin.

"What did you mean by Paris having villains who get a kick out of harming others?"

"Every city has some crime."

"You made it sound like there were supervillains in Paris."

"If there were supervillains in Paris, wouldn't the world know?"

"The thing is the news in France, Paris especially, is altered."

"Altered? How so?" All I could do is play dumb at the moment. Luckily, acting confused and oblivious has become easier this past year.

"I can't say."

"You can't say or you don't know?"

Red Robin stayed quiet not wanting to admit defeat. My victory on the topic was short lived after the akuma alert went off on my phone. When creating the akuma alert system, we made the notification unique. The noise and vibration were unlike any others and could not be replicated.

Due to my phone being on silent, only I was made aware. I swiftly pulled it out and rolled my eyes trying to create an excuse.

"Did you grapple here or actually ride a vehicle?" I asked Red Robin putting my phone away.

"Batman needed me as soon as possible, so I drove. Why do you ask?" Red Robin responded looking me up and down as if I was a puzzle he was attempting to solve.

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