Summertime mischief

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Y/n was eating breakfast with her twin Lily while her mother gushed about their perfect exam results and how proud she was of them 

She heard petunia something about freaks and their freaky school or some kind of BS 

As soon as Mother stopped talking Petunia began blabbering about her crush, Vernon Dursley (ew what a name?) how he was perfect and he aspired to be a boring manufacturer and blah blah blah ...... 

y/n and Lily shared a look and smiled,  unanimously deciding to tune out Petunia's shrill voice 

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING??" petunia snapped


"Oh nevermind ".....("little arrogant freaks") Petunia huffed

Lily rolled her eyes

but y/n was unusually quiet 

Lily turned to look at her and saw that y/n was looking out the window, and at the owl who was slowly gliding towards them 

the owl smoothly landed through the window making Petunia shriek but they ignored her and pounced on the letter tied to his outstretched leg.

It was a letter from James and y/n snatched it up excitedly while ily read the note over her shoulder


Hey, y/n and lily flower,                                                                                                                                                    

I miss you guys (especially Lily)

and I wanted to tell you guys that my parents allowed me to invite my friends over for the rest of the summer and I thought I would save you both from your annoying sister.

please send your reply fast 

waiting for you 

with love (not),



y/n was practically over the moon while Lily rolled her eyes at James' indirect flirting 

they rushed to their mother for permission and then they were off 

in a flash, they sent their reply, packed their trunks and grabbed the floo powder 


they both shouted their location 

they were soon thrust out of the fireplace and into a beautiful house..... no it was a mansion with several beautiful rooms and the living room had a hearty fireplace (which they just came out of) 

they had no time to register the boys' arrival as Sirius and James wrapped y/n in a bear hug while Remus greeted them in a more refined way and Pettigrew stood to the side shyly. 

as the boys pulled her up to plan a prank y/n knew that she was in for an eventful summer. 



Hey guys , 

I love to write here but i dont know if u guys like my writing so pls let me know ur opinions though ur comments...

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