The Full Moon, Apology Tour, & Sinsmas theories

Start from the beginning

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Maybe he gets him a few other sexual things, not too sure. Stolas will get really happy, maybe they'll talk a little more, not getting too emotional that night then have fun time, then in the morning Stolas throws up and looks like a frog. After he's done and he talks to Blitz a little more, he'll get the crystal and talk to him about their deal not being right and that he wants to end it. 

I have a thought that they'll either do the deal, then they'll talk in the morning. Or maybe they won't do the deal at all, and Blitz get's kicked out at night? Or maybe they do the deal, and Blitz get's kicked out at night. I really hope it's not at night, and it's in the morning. 

So anyway Stolas throws up, (most likely from the stress and the lack of his medication) he get's dressed and makes himself look presentable, and gives the crystal to Blitz, talks to him about the book, their deal, and his love for him. 

Blitz being the guy that he is, starts getting mad, frustrated, upset and retorts back. They argue for a little while, some point Stolas turns around while Blitz is yelling. Blitz most likely says something really hurtful, something he doesn't mean. He says a lot of things he doesn't mean and realizes what he said in the heat of the moment. He takes a minute to wrap his dumb brain of what he said and tries to apologize, and reaches out for Stolas cuz he knows what he said was bad and VERY hurtful. 

At some point probably either before their argument gets heated, or before he closes his portal from kicking Blitz out, does he say, "Thank you Blitz, for making me, so happy

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At some point probably either before their argument gets heated, or before he closes his portal from kicking Blitz out, does he say, "Thank you Blitz, for making me, so happy. Even if only for a little while."

Stolas being done with his shit portals his ass out of the palace and outside. Blitz will probably look behind him and see Stolas in his room, looking done, disappointed, upset, angry, all of the above. Then he'll close the portal, leaving Blitz on the front palace steps. 

He'll probably sit down kind of like how Stolas did after Ozzies, then kind of break down for a moment before going back home or something. 

Apology tour: 

Alright I assume somewhere in the beginning of the episode we'll see different scenes of Blitz trying to get to Stolas and talk to him, but Stolas is really upset, so he'll either portal him away, portal himself away, or just walk away in general. 

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