15: 💜💖Valentines Day Special!💖💜

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(As a reward for getting Stolitz Oneshots to 2.1K reads; and also because it's Valentines day and I got another idea; here is this new chapter! Hope ya like it. If not, then you can read something else <3 )

Blitz's POV: 

     I was in my office, staring at the calendar across the room looking at one specific date in particular. 

February 14th. Valentines day. 

I had never really cared that much for Valentines day, except for the heart candies. Those are fucking delicious. 
But other than that, it was just another day for couples to be lovey dovey. But this year is different. This year I gotta step up my game. Because this year is me and Stolas's first Valentines day dating. 

And I had absolutely nothing yet. I had been putting everything off for today because I didn't know what to get him. Chocolate boxes and flowers seems kinda cliché. Maybe not the flowers though. The flowers couldn't be that bad of an idea. He does love plants and gardening. So flowers! 

So I wrote that on the first line on my paper. What else does he like? He likes certain eyeliner and perfume when we go on dates. And he did say he was out of his favorite ones. 

So that was on the second line. Eyeliner and perfume. I could make him a handmade card. The one's they sell at stores are all corny. Handmade is original. 

So that was the third thing I jotted down. Now what about one more thing. I sat and pondered for a long while until a thought ran across my mind. 

"I mean... he does like fucking." I thought to myself. It wouldn't hurt if I stayed tonight. So I tucked the list in my pocket and walked out of my office. Stolas was at work right now, so I could just come over after he's done to give him his stuff. 

It was Valentines day, so there wasn't many clients calling in today. In fact we only had one. Regardless, I told Mox and Mills they could close up early today. 

"Where are you going sir?" Moxxie asked before I opened the door to walk out. 

"I got something important I gotta do today." I replied. 

"Are you goin to get Valentines day gifts for your b o y f r i e n d ~" Millie asked with a smirk. 

"Maybe." I responded quickly with a slight smile before walking out so they couldn't ask me any more questions.

 Loona had told me earlier that some of her friends were going to pick her up after work for a party, so I helped myself to the van and found a place that sold real flowers. So I picked the best colored ones I thought Stolas would like. 

As I hopped in my van with the bouquet of flowers in the passenger seat, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I turned on my phone to see a notification from Stolas. 

Blitz's phone POV: 

Happy Valentines Day Blitzy. I apologize for having work so late today. If you want you can come by later, if you're not too busy. 💜

End of POV.

I smiled when I read the message and almost immediately started texting back. 

Phone POV: 

Hey Stols, its no problum, i was plnnin on cummin ovr latr. Happy Valebtimes day and ill c u latr. Luv ya! <3

End of POV. 

I started the van and before I could put it in drive I got another notification from Stolas. 

Phone POV: 

Okay I will see you after work then, I love you too! 💜 

End of POV. 

I smiled and stowed the phone in my pocket before going to another store to buy his favorite make up and perfume. Afterwards I realized I still had an hour left, so I drove back home and worked on his card the best I possibly could. 

I drew me, him, lots of horse doodles, a couple of hearts, and a few messages. Then I packed everything into a little bag and called Stolas. 


"Hey Stolas, where are you?" I asked. 

"I'm in the bedroom, why?" He asked. 

"Can you make me a portal so I don't have to drive there?" I asked. 

"Oh, yes of course. Just give me one moment." He said and hung up. I grabbed the bag and waited until he made the portal to step through. Once the portal closed I spotted Stolas searching for something in his closet. 

"One moment Blitzy. I need to grab something." He said. So I walked over to the bed and sat criss cross with the bag. Stolas soon walked over with two bags and sat in front of me. 

"Pick one to open first." He said and presented me with a large bag and a smaller bag. I looked at the two and reached for the smaller one. I looked inside and saw the, "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron" movie in it's case and immediately took it out. 

"Can we watch it!?" I asked. Stolas smiled brightly. 

"Yes, of course we can." He said. I looked inside the same bag and pulled out horse gummies along with a card. I sat the gummies aside and opened the purple card to see a beautiful drawing of a horse and a small doodle of me along with a small message. 

"Thanks Stolas-" But he cut me off by handing over the bigger bag. 

"Don't thank me yet." He said as I grabbed the bag. I had to stand up to reach inside the bag and pull out a big horse plush half the size of me. My jaw dropped and I hugged it close with a big smile while internally screaming. 

"Thank you so much! Thank you!" I said excitedly and jumped around on the bed while holding it close. I finally plopped down beside him and moved his bag closer to him. He reached in and first pulled out the flowers. 

"Oh Blitz, these are just beautiful." He whispered and placed them on the side table before getting to his eyeliner and perfume. "Oh, I did need some new ones. Thank you Blitz." He smiled at me. 

"There's still one more thing." I said nodding at the bag. He reached to the bottom and grabbed the card gently. He opened it carefully as if it was the most fragile thing he could ever touch. 

"Oh this is all just so lovely and wonderful Blitzy, thank you so much." He said. His smile was big and genuine. His smile was so soft and welcoming, it seemed as if nothing could ever stop him from being so happy. 

I didn't know if my face matched just as happy as I felt, so I just sat my horse down and stood up. His eyes followed mine until I broke that contact and made another. I gently held the sides of his face and slowly brought his face to mine, closing the gap between our lips. He sighed happily into the kiss as he brought his hands up to my face while I caressed his with my thumbs. 

That was hands down the best Valentines day I've ever had. 💜💖💜💖

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