9: After Ozzie's

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3rd person POV: 

"Thank you, for.. inviting me out. Despite everything that's happened, I.. I enjoyed spending time with you." Stolas thanked Blitz as he leaned against the door  with his hands hanging  through the open window.
As Stolass said this it only annoyed Blitz more. He just wanted to go home. 

"Yeah." Blitz said as he pulled on his face with one hand. 

"Y'know, I have some more wine, in the house. Octavia is with her mother this weekend so we could..." Stolas trailed off not really knowing what to say. He didn't want to hurt Blitz anymore than he had tonight. 

"I'm not fucking you tonight, okay? I'm really just-" He held up his hand to show he needed a second to collect himself before continuing. "I'm really not in the mood Stolas." He finished covering his face face while avoiding eye contact. 

"We could talk, or watch a movie, or, maybe.. cuddle?" Stolas suggested shyly. He hadn't meant to imply that he wanted to copulate. He mostly didn't really know what to say without making things worse.
But when Stolas said the word cuddle... that got to Blitz.

"Stolas don't act like what we have is anything but you, wanting me, to fuck you, okay you make that really clear all the time. But I just I-I can't do it tonight okay? I'm sorry." Blitz retorted with sadness. 
Stolas noticed that Blitz didn't like talking about this, and he certainly didn't want to make Blitz anymore uncomfortable than he may already be. 

As much as Stolas wanted to let him drive off at max speed away from him, he really did want to help Blitz the best that he could.

"Blitz, I apologize for making you think that I only think of our company only ever at all as a time to copulate. I do not think that way all the time, and I'm certainly not  just trying to get you in my bedroom by suggesting the things I did." Stolas explained himself with an apology. 

"Bull-fuckin-shit! You think I didn't hear you a little while back when me and Mox got caught by humans, and then your scary ass came and rescued us? You called me your "impish little playing" like it wouldn't affect me!" Blitz yelled, tears daring to spill out of his eyes. 

"I know, I know! I'm sorry for that. I should have never even thought of you as that. I just said it and didn't think of your feelings or how it would stick with you." Stolas cried on the verge  of tears. 

"Exactly! You weren't  thinking! Neither are you right now! Trust me when I say you don't want to watch a fucking movie with me, or talk with me, or fucking cuddle! You don't know me the way you think you want to!" Blitz yelled tempted to drive off, but something kept him from doing so. 

"Why not?! Why don't I want to know who you are? How do you know I don't want to know? I'm stronger than you think Blitz, whatever it is I'm more than positive I can handle it." Stolas asked so, so very confused and hurt.

"Because you can't handle me. You won't be able to live with me, my pain, my fucking past! All of it! You think you're strong enough but I'm just too much! I won't let you make the mistake!" Blitz yelled before he slammed his face on the rim of the steering wheel. 

"That's not true! That never was or will be! I know in the past you've been hurt and abandoned, but keep this in mind always, I will never  leave your side! If anything I would kill to keep you in my life. I would love to know everything about you so I can be there for you." Stolas cried. He wiped his eyes to prevent and tears from falling. 

Blitz said nothing. He didn't move or make a single noise. His face remained on the steering wheel as tears rolled down his face. Stolas stood up and walked over to Blitz's side of the van and lightly tapped on the closed window with a single knuckle. 

Blitz brought his hand down to the lever and rotated it to roll the window, all the while his face buried in the steering wheel. 

"Blitz?" Stolas spoke his name in a gentle, calming , yet sad tone.

"What Stolas?" Blitz asked. 

"Would you please look at me?" Stolas asked politely. Blitz turned his head at Stolas with closed eyes at first that slowly fluttered open to see Stolas's shirt. His eyes slowly led up and met Stolas's eyes. And as they did he felt the urge again to cry every teardrop that he possibly could.

Stolas slowly lifted his hand up near Blitz's face, not touching it however.

"May I?" Stolas asked. Blitz nodded, so Stolas gently held the side of Blitz's face and wiped some tears with his thumb. 
"Blitz, I'm not asking you to stay at this point. You are of course welcome to but, I want you to have faith in me. Please?" Stolas asked. Blitz hesitantly, barely, slowly leaned into the touch and only nodded. 

"Okay?" Stolas asked.

"Okay.." Blitz said quietly. Stolas slowly released Blitz's face and stood up, leaving Blitz feeling a bit sad from the lack of touch, but wasn't too bothered by it. 
Stolas bowed to Blitz and spoke these next words with an undefinable expression. 

"Goodnight Blitz." Stolas bid him. 

"Goodnight." Blitz said quickly and drove off leaving Stolas alone to the palace. Stolas walked over to the steps and looked at the stars as his eyes teared up before sitting on said steps and held his head in his hands. 

Blitz was speeding down the streets of IMP city while rolling his window back up. He had tears flooding his face but he could've cared less.

"Why does he fucking care about me so much? Why me? He's gonna get himself fucking hurt. Just like everyone else." Blitz asked himself. After about 5 more minutes he came to an immediate and quite unexpected halt. So unexpected that not even he expected it. 

"This feels wrong. This is wrong." Blitz sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
Soon he turned his van around and sped back to where he originally wanted to be far from.

Stolas was sitting on the front palace steps brooding. He finally wiped away his tears and stood up, ready to go inside and drink the night away while venting to his plants.

Until...he heard panting. And hurried footsteps. He turned around quickly and was knocked down by something... someone. Someone small who embraced him.
It was Blitz, who had his arms and legs wrapped around his torso tightly with his face buried in his chest crying.

When they were on the ground Stolas took a moment to process what had just happened. 
No second later after coming to his senses however did he hug Blitz back just as tightly. Blitz wrapped his tail around Stolas's.

"I'm sorry." Blitz cried. Stolas held behind Blitz's head and held him close to him.

"Shh." Stolas hushed understandably and let his tears fall. 

A/N: Thx for reading. This one took a few days to get out bc i got sick, I'm still grounded, (I'm using my laptop, I only ever use my laptop for this.) and Christmas is only 5 days away :D
I'm also on my Christmas break so that gives me time. 

Happy Holidays! 🎄❄ (even if you don't celebrate it, I still hope you have a good day on the holiday) 😉

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