•|| Cuddle Pile ||• (Mermay 2024)

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Prompt 1: Cuddle Pile

Featuring: Nightmare, Dream, Killer, Dust, Horror, and Cross!

Ships: Subjective. (Can be seen as either Nightmare X Killer X Dust X Horror and Dream X Cross, or it can be seen as platonic cuddles.)

Summary: Nightmare and Dream had a fight, so the Murder Time Trio convince Nightmare to cuddle with them to help him calm down. Dream also gets comforted by Cross.

Warnings: Angy octopus, sadge goldfish.


A low rumbling growl echoed throughout the deep trench caverns as the great kraken residing inside grumbled curses under his breath. His tentacles curled around the stone pillars all around him, cracking them under the pressure as he tightened his hold on them in anger.

As much as he loved his brother, Dream of course, he hated how annoying the other leviathan could be. They had recently had a 'conversation' that hadn't gone so well, and that was to blame for his wrath.

...He also had a massive headache, which wasn't helping in the slightest.

He flinched slightly as he heard the sounds of tails swishing through the water, and he opened his eyesocket to see that he was suddenly surrounded by three certain circling sharks. "...What do you want?"

"Awh c'mon, who managed to piss in your clamshells already?" Killer asked with a playful tone, swimming up closer to Nightmare's much larger face. He squeaked and tucked into a roll and Nightmare blew him away with bubbles, but he wasn't that upset.

"Yeah... what happened?" Horror asked next, tilting his head as he gazed up at the giant leviathan. Dust didn't say anything, but instead nuzzled one of Nightmare's many giant tentacles.

"None of your concern." Nightmare snarled, but his angry facade was quickly cracking open like an oyster, showing a softer side. He struggled not to smile at Dust's insistent nuzzles, Killer's smile, and Horror's worrying. Damnit, why couldn't he just be emo and brooding in peace?!

"Nighty! Nighty! Nighty, can you change into your smaller form, pleaaase???" Killer was abruptly right back up in Nightmare's face, swishing his tail excitedly as he begged.

"And why in the seven seas would I do that?" Nightmare cocked a bonebrow up as he questioned Killer, squinting his eyesocket in suspicion.

"Pleaaase? Just for us~?" Killer whined, nuzzling and rubbing himself against Nightmare's cheek.

Nightmare made the grave mistake of looking down at the other two sharks, seeing that Horror was giving him puppy eyes while Dust hugged one of his tentacles.

By the True Leviathans, he was getting far too soft

Nightmare sighed, choosing to relent as he shrunk down. His bones turned snowy white once more, and his eyelights turned purple. All three shark boys cheered as they saw the little octopus, and they swarmed around him once more.

Then Horror suddenly dived down as Killer wrapped his arms around Nightmare, the small current made from Horror's movement catching them both and dragging them down too. Dust trailed behind, as if making sure Nightmare couldn't escape.

Nightmare already knew it; his fate was sealed now, and he didn't even try fighting back.

As soon as they reached a large flat ledge in the trench, the sharks 'released' Nightmare, only to immediately press as close to him as possible. They all sort of swam around in a tight ball for a second to find their places and get comfortable, then they all settled down as successfully caught the leviathan in the center of their cuddle pile.

Nightmare huffed, but he couldn't stop a small smile that grew on his face. His now much smaller tentacles gently wrapped around each of his shark boys, further entwining him into the cuddles.

As he fell asleep to Killer, Horror, and Dust's soft purrs, he thought that maybe cuddles weren't so bad after all.

. . .

In a different section of the trench, Dream was sitting alone while trying not to cry. He hadn't meant to apparently provoke another argument with his brother, but he somehow managed to anyways.

His fins gently swayed in the slight currant as he curled up in a ball, feeling utterly miserable. Maybe he was the problem. Maybe he shouldn't keep bothering Nightmare. Maybe he should just leave...

Dream flinched as someone brushed up against his back, and their arms wrapped around him. Someone else's tail curled up against his, and the other mer purred quietly as they carefully groomed his frills. "What happened, angelfish?"

Dream relaxed as he heard Cross's voice, but he didn't respond. Instead, he wiggled around to hug Cross as he let out a small whimper, tears pricking his eyesockets.

Cross understood immediately, and he pulled Dream closer to him as they both snuggled up together. The water turned serene and quiet as they laid there, their souls mending a little more as they relaxed in peace.

It was okay if Dream didn't want to talk about it, words were overrated anyways. Besides, cuddles were just better.


Oneshot by me.
Leviathantale by @skumhuu on Tumblr.
Mermay 2024 Bingo by @skumhuu on Tumblr.

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