ccounjt daixlelweather futur

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ypu and count dialzzelwether wer maried for a long time. 

"look, teh egg is hatching!!!!1" you scraem. Count dazllewither runs into the rom. You're egg hatchs.  Insid, tjere was a small eeve, but it locked like a galxy!!! "what shoudl we name her?" count wazzledether ask. you lock at teh baby and tinhk of a nam. "OH I KNWO!" yyou says. "lets name hre luna becuse of he r stars in the fur/\." you tell. "tahts a god idea" says count dazzlewither.

sudsently cdric walk in! oyu didnt actuly kille him and he went to hopsital. "im gona make u mine" he say. "i will kil you r baby" cderic wanted to kil yu becuase of he is yander. count daziklewethers scream "I WONT LET YOU KILL TEHM."  

yuo, teh baby and cuiont dazzlewithre all jump too fihgt him. you scrahct his shoukder. and coutn dazlewrther bite him, and luna pull his tail.

but then yiou and ccioyunt dazlzewetheri use power of laove and starty floating and tglowing. and big magic happen. and then cderuc diea.

and after taht. +you and ccounjt daixlelwether snugled with luna. and you remeber when yio first met him. and when you call him. and whe you confes. and when you wnt to concert. 

you let the memerys stay in you heart foever. and yuo will always love ccounjt daixlelweather until the endd of time and beyond.


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