woaw he handsoem

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(u can listen to teh music while reading if want)

you walk into star kingdom and see some people. you see moon eve, star eve, and Cerdic. you think that Cerdic is handsome. so u walk up toe him and say "wowa you are so heandsom."

and Cerdic say "Sory i think you are pretty but i am date glacoen." he locks up at you crying.

you start crying too. yoyo grab a knife and kills glaceon. "im brek up with ye!!11" you says.

cerdic keep crying. "we are never ever getting back together." you tell him.

"but i lover you Y/N," Cerdic says.  you are crying so loud. Cerdic says "it be hard too spend time with u without dating you  bedcause i loves you." you get Argy, "then dint spend time with me."

the entire worlds star flooding because your and Cerdic crying.

but them a handsome person walk's in.

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