a hadnsome peerson

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(UPDATE: I decided to make the text more readable. There will still be grammatical errors, but there will be less so it's easier to read. I'm going to edit the previous chapters too.)

So a hamdsome persob just walked in. You lock at him.

"Hello my name is Count Alister Sincliar von dazzlewether" says him.

"OMG!!" you tell. You walk up to he. Your beautiful rainbow orbs start locking like anime eyes.

He locks at you and you think "wow I think he is made for me

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He locks at you and you think "wow I think he is made for me."

And then you stare deep into his blue orbs. And then he stars deep into your rainbow orbs. And then you guys keep staring at each other's orbs. AND THEN you see hearts in his orbs. And then he sees stars in your orb.

Coinyt Daixkewether looks at you in a beautiful way and then you suddenly kiss him. You don;t knows why, something made you do it. After kissing he looks at you in surprise and then runs the heck away.

You wonder if this could be your future.

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