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That night, you two go to the palza where an event is being held. The lights glow bright in the darkness of the starry night. Rainboe lihts flash as yuo sit down and a familyyigar shape appears on the wooden stage. It was StarEevee! 

Spotlight turn on, revealing a whole orchestera.; cpicunt diaxzz;ewetjner and you smile up at the music (the music is the video above) and find your eyes wondering towards ech otter. You smile at his, your rainbow orbs filling with happy tears. You find yourself uncontrollably moving closer to him, your lips meet and you are united with a passionate kiss. You don't feel brokcen anymoer. "I dot want to go back." you say. "this is my home."

You found friends, enemies, and love. You found the oen who you will be with yout entire life. You and ccorfihuvkhfbvklsaidfjer8t349rierotu9e8ufs'[f;dt8934ty3rh4ir8urjhge8rueorughrghvwkjrfgbekrt8u59t8u4ojskdjghkfjgdhkutyiuhgfdjkgbkdsjgbd dazzleeoirgjiergkjdfgbmzjhbzfj,vbksdjghoyi6yoij6oyuo84uoru84r0930348rwether forever/

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