The first part/the next person who is mine!

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Hi, I'm Cherry
and this is my first novel on Wattpad.
I hope you enjoy;
I apologize for the grammar and words problems of this novel because English is not my main language,
so try to ignore my grammatical flaws
And I will always try to get better.
Devotion: Cherry


-Joong, step aside!!!
Joong lowered his head from behind while he was fighting with the man in front of him and was beating him, which was equal to a shot from Khao.
Joong left a body that had become lifeless just a few seconds ago on the ground, and Khao came forward while wearing a big mask on his face.
-What do you think about Tom Yam Gong (famous Thai food)?
+ With your cooking hand؟
Khao nodded and returned to their car with a single laugh, and Joong returned to the car when he arranged the body and completed the cleaning.
+ Documents?
Khao took out an envelope from Dashport and faced Jung.
Joong took it from him
We have to take this to the boss by morning, but we have to check it by then so that if something is missing, we can fix it quickly and it won't be like last time.
The man who was sitting behind the table and the anger could be seen from his look hit the yellow folder in his hand hard on the table.
=I hope this is another one of your jokes!!How could you forget the original document?!!!
He continued his speech with a loud shout while throwing the mask to the side
=This is of no value!!
Joong tried to be indifferent and control his body tremors, but with each shout, a new tremor fell into his body.
Khao was biting the corner of his lip and pressing his hand on his thigh while making a fist .
The man in front of them was the head of the group that Khao and Joong worked for, named Kim.
Kim went to those two people and while waving his index finger in front of them, he said, « it's in your best interest to be your last!!»
And then he left the room.
Those two were looking at me .And one of them was peeling the skin of the corner of his lips with tears that flowed from the corner of his eye.
Jung knew that his brother was the only thing he needed was encouragement, but on the other hand, he hated people looking at him as a weak person, so all he did was open his arms so that Khao could accept that encouraging hug whenever he wanted.
Of course, this happened three years ago;
Those two grow up..And this issue and how ridiculous they felt that night made them always pay attention to taking the documents correctly and also shooting the right person!
Joong said while hitting the ball with a golf club in his hand
What happened؟I'm here
-Food's ready!!
Joong Ye looked at the monitor and the score he got
And he put a golf club on his head and came out of the room.
(For a better idea, dear reader: there are almost small golf rooms that hit the ball in the clubs and show the amount of points thrown and everything on a monitor. For a better idea, refer to your friend Google.)
Khao brought the food to the table and Joong sat at the table and Khao sat at the table after taking off the apron.
You'll be like girls with that apron..
Khao took a look at the pink apron with a "Hello kitty"design on the chair that Joong had bought as a gift for his 20th birthday.
+ Especially with your long hair that depends on the pink elastic from the back!
Khao looked at Joong with his head, who was looking at him with a smile
-Heyyy you bought them for me and now there are more important things to do than buying another apron and the fact that we killed two people just a few hours ago, how can you look at me like this?!
Joong usually cannot accept the logical answer of others because he still believes that he is God and others are wrong, so he ended the discussion by putting a spoonful of food in the mouth of the angry Khao.
+Finish it, come eat your own food.
And Khaoui who was frowning and fighting with his older brother in his mind


while collecting the table؛
+ Don't you want to think about your hair?
-Tomorrow is my free day, I'll go to the hairdresser and fix it
+ Don't you want my help?
While taking off the apron
-That's enough for me the time I trusted you!

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