Chapter 15: Dream

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"Boss she was here" say's Leon on the call.

"Why was Ariana there? Did you let her in? What did she do there? Was there any men along with her?" asked Di Giovanni

"Of course not boss; she was all alone and we didn't let her in as you ordered. But yes she stayed for hours in her apartment"

"Okay keep an eye out there" and he hangs up.

Why were you there Ariana? What are your intentions now?

"Uncle you are back from work!" say's Caroline

"Yes I am. And what are you doing with my other mobile?"

"Nothing really but I am sorry I may have heard someone's voice mail and it was very very personal; I am so sorry about it!" she excuses herself from there.

He checked his phones and that was Ariana's message which Caroline was talking about. Shit no no..what did she heard? And what is Ariana saying in this?!
He heard the message later.

"This is wrong, she needs me there. I made a mistake? I cannot break my promise nor can I go back with my word; it's becoming so complicated..dammit" Di Giovanni murmurs

"Boss what happened? You look so tensed; is it because of that deal?" asks Ceaser

"No Ceaser; it's Ariana"

"Again her? What about her boss? Are you still seeing her?"

"No Ceaser. Tell me something; who would you have chosen; Ariana or Axel's daughter?"

"Boss we haven't even seen her grow fully nor that we know her name how can I choose? Also i don't know Ariana well but all I know is that Ariana is dangerous for you, for us and I don't get good vibes from her as well. She can lead to your destruction.
And to remind you of your contract please think wisely, and make a decision boss" he leaves from there.

Ana you are complicating things for me.
I don't want to back off from my word because of you.

The same night,
In Ariana's apartment

While Ariana was relaxing on the swing in her balcony, someone was there as well. Watching her from afar..taking small steps so that she doesn't get disturbed. He went in the balcony, standing in front of her..he glared at her beautiful body.

Perfect curves..perfect body. You are perfect Ariana; so perfect that no body notices your flaws..this scar on your neck. Who did it? Why was your beauty harmed? Who hurt you? You don't say because you choose to stay's time you speak some facts, reveal some secrets baby.
A tattoo on your's the same I have on my neck. A Scorpio tattoo..what does it means to you?!

He touched the tattoo and she was waking up..unclear eyes, blurry vision; she couldn't stand up so she sat there.

"Digio? It's you..are you really here or am I dreaming?" asks Ariana

"The tattoo Ariana..why did you choose to do it?" Digio asked.

"You are here that means? I am drunk, surely I am?!" She questioned herself.

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