tool or a fool

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"What?! All of our friends already knew about us! And now you're denying?"

Three weeks have passed, and they've been at odds.

"I thought I wouldn't be denied?! And now? What, Kurt?! Look at me! Please, just listen."

Despite their fun times together, it wasn't for the best. Sometimes, loving people can really hurt, but some are willing to endure that pain, or even harm themselves, just to love.

"Kurt, please. I know I'm the one who broke up with you. I just needed to give you time to think, okay? Why did you give up on us so easily?! I thought you loved me."

"This conversation will be such a waste. We're done."

"For fuck's sake! I didn't force you to be outed, I never did! You're the one who outed yourself, remember? 'Could be anyone's toothbrush'?! Kurt, please. I'm giving you some time to think. Please, don't let anyone else love you like I did."

"Yeah, thanks."

Three days passed.

"I know it's hard to move on, especially since he's the first to ever do such things for you, Ian. Just focus on your studies, okay? No more crying."

"Yeah, but still, I see him at school every day, and for God's sake, he's even our classmate! How could I move on?!" Ian replied.

"Yeah, it'll be hard, Ian. Maybe that's enough of dating closeted guys. This will be your second time. Learn from destiny's mistakes, and I'm sure that with your godly good looks and a heart as loyal as a golden retriever's, you'll eventually find someone who's willing to tell the world what their heart desires, okay?"

Such comforting words gave Ian hope.

Ian had considered skipping school, but being an honor student, he couldn't bear to disappoint more people in his life.

Showing up to school and seeing the one you love, it hurts, let's be honest.

Days passed.

Kurt's friends were mad at him. Kurt was alone in the corner of the class, his friends siding with Ian.

"Don't worry about me, guys. What's this? You're just going to abandon your memories together? I swear I'm fine, and I get it. I've been in his situation. I've also been scared of who I am. So, what Kurt needs the most is to have someone on his side, to talk to. Go on, I'm fine here. And thank you for your support. I'm all better now."

Being scared of who you are is a part of self-discovery. Well, some people might not be able to get it, but they will, especially at this age. People who used to judge are now being judged. Well, judging is not the right term; maybe teaching. Teaching them that love has no gender.

"i thought i can handle bro, but it seems i still can't. i love him truly. but i just can't be around him being judge. i really thought i can sacrifice everything for him, im so stupid. I should've talk things out, that maybe i-"

"y'know what bro?, we are still angry for what you've done, we gave you our support, our blessing without judging, because we know that you love him. but still, you hurt him, he's so kind to you. To us, and yet you have the nerve to hurt him, you had one word kurt, you made his hopes up."

" i know and i feel so stupid, but I can't still risk everything, especially with my parents."

"we know, but still. I know what Ian has been through, way back when we were junior. this is the second time he's been hurt like this. i even thought that he hasn't moved on from his past yet, i thought he could heal from you"

"i thought so too, ok?! i never meant things to happen"

"apologize, hone up for your mistakes, and be honest for yourself, you still love him right? maybe the second time will be sweeter."

kurt snobbing at the corner of the classroom.

"don't be affected Ian, be happy, show him that you can handle yourself on your own."

"yeah, i never deserved this from the start. i should've known, we started off so bad and i really thought giving him a chance was the best idea"

"see? you look better smiling"

Ian wearing a emotional mask, masking his pain. people expect the best of him, he needs to exceed those expectations.

Ian trying his best to move on, a few days had past and a new guy came in Ian's life.

"bro, looks like someone had already move on." teasing kurt

"as if i care, he deserves less of me anyways"

"wow? i remember someone crying because he loved a man and it almost ruin everything in his life"

"oh fuck off, it's just a mistake. i got carried off, ok? i just thought i love him, turns out... its just like a... don't be mad, i just need to know if im into guys? he's like a tool, maybe that guy was doing the same."


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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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Couldn't Get Enough: False starts, Real feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now