1 New account

3 0 0

"Hey, I couldn't log into your account to adjust the stats of your champ Livia, I was thinking of making her Q have a hybrid AP ratio. Did you change the password?"

Sitting on the floor of a hallway, two high-schoolers chatted as they eat their lunch.

"Oh, about that... I sold my account." The teen with fairly long hair replied.

"You... Did. What?! ESTEFAN?"

The guy that made the question couldn't help but raise his voice several decibels.

"I sold it, highest bidder was 40k. Isn't it crazy?"

Estefan smiled proudly. But the boy next to him did not appreciate that sentiment. In fact, questions filled his head, so many, that he forced himself to ask the important ones only.

"Why on earth would you do that? Your account from the beta! You have three completed champs and five more that are this close to passing Type 1 validation!"

"Wait, you're mad? Mitch, it's money, I can buy a goddamn car with it." Estafan finished his sandwich as he said the last words with conspicuousness.

"If you were planning on selling it, why not wait until Livia is completed, you could sell the account at a much higher price."

"Mitch, when are you gonna get that in Enigma, nothing is ever enough. Besides, she could just die in some random exploration, and the buyers might not be there anymore when it's the perfect timing." Estefan Shrugged, "Hey, Into Deep applied to real life right there."

Mitch was speechless.

Yes, he gets the point and the 'in theory' around it, but he refuses to believe that Estefan skipped the emotional part and made the deal. Words were not enough to debate and limbs were waved to express the secondhand anxiety he was feeling.

"But are you not afraid that they do some shitty things with your account? Come on! That's literally your face on Enigma."

"Get over it, it's just a game."

"Nah ah, you're not the type to ever say that." Mitch stood up and even pointed fingers at Estefan, "Who went on and on about legends never fucking die in that stupid 70 minutes game where the toplaner went afk? Huh?"

"Dude, my mom's birthday is coming up soon. I just want to buy something nice for her, okay?"


Mitch froze, he had nothing else to say, but still threw a harmless kick on Estefan's knee to vent the anger out. "Fuck, playing the family card on me, you piece of shit."

Estefan laughed with tease. "And don't worry, the cut of my 3 champs I redirected it to your account."

"Haven't checked"

"Bruh~ You literally spend more time in my account than in yours."

"It's finals week, I barely have time to do anything."

"So you're not playing rankeds with me after school?"

"You just said you no longer have your fucking account."

"Oh, right... right right."

Suddenly, the bell started ringing.

"What's class do you have next?"

"AP calculus."

"Well, I have PE, guess we'll not see each other again until tomorrow."

"Alright, see you then."

"I better get going, but you still owe me a huge explanation." Finished Mitch.



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