17 || Finally Drunk.

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Rhys confesses some things but like.... Anyways.

Never got to finish what Jade and I started last night

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Never got to finish what Jade and I started last night.

Shes had an attitude with me ever since we dropped off Angelica, who called her a slut but she obviously couldn't see that. My sister, who I've never honestly spoke to unless it was needed had came over.

"So then where the fuck is he?!" He as in my dad. She's the only one besides from my mother who genuinely cares about that piece of shit. Taking a big swallow of my whiskey, I swirled the liquid in the glass and stared her down like a hawk.

"I don't fucking know, Valencia." She was also an assassin, 3rd on the leaderboard. "You're lying, Rhys." Her voice as now calm but i knew my sister better then anyone ever could, she fucking hated being lied too. "How do you know?" I finished off my whiskey and slammed the glass down, most likely leaving a mark in the table. "Because you never lie."

Cat got my tongue.

"Says who?" I asked quietly as I poured more whiskey into my glass. "Says this whole family's bloodline. I'm last born, I can end it." I bite the inside of my cheek. She was right, Valencia had the power to end our whole family's bloodline, but she knew I wouldn't go down without a fight. "Go on, end it." I spat at her as her jaw locked. "Just tell me where he is." She crossed her legs and threw her hair over her shoulder.

"I don't know, where he is Valencia." Valencia let out a sigh and ran her hands down her face, I could tell she wasn't sure if I was telling the truth. Smiling, I downed my whiskey and let out a low curse, standing up I went into my kitchen and placed my glass in my sink, soon returning to Valencia when I gathered my thoughts.

"Why do you care about him anyway?" I stood next to her and raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, Ry." Tears filled her eyes with ease as she crossed her arms over her chest as I wiped her tears for her, her arms hugging my torso as she cried into my chest, my jaw resting on the top of her head. She hyperventilated in my arms and before I knew it, she leaned into my touch more then ever.


"Valencia." She'll pass out once in a while but she passed out when she got here, it's only been a few hours. Her body slightly shook, as I laid her down and rocked her body, slowly and as gently as I could've. I placed my hands over hers and placed them on her chest, rubbing her sternum as hard as I could until I heard a gasp for air. It returned and went, as I leaned down and placed my ear by her mouth and nose, thankfully she was still breathing.

"Here we go." Placing her hands on her chest again, I rubbed hard against her sternum once more before she gasped and held my wrist tightly. "Rhys..." came from her mouth faintly as I sighed in relief, scooping her up with my arm before her nails dug hard into my arm. "Dizzy," she panted as I turned to the water bottle on the side of me and uncapped it with my teeth.

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